Hellenistic Culture

Alexandria - Center of Hellenistic culture Pharos-Alexandria.jpg

Mathematics archimedes-bust

Physics Lever_drawing

Philosophy marcus

Astronomy image-asset



Founded by Zeno (335 - 263 BCE)

Founded by Epicurus

Ideology that believed that people should live in harmony with Gods laws

Greatest good came from virtuous conduct and the absence of pain

Human Desires, Wealth and Power are dangerous distractions

Main goal of humans was to achieve harmony of body and mind

Alexandria's museum had an astronomical observatory

Aristarchus of Samos

Estimated that the Sun was 300x larger than earth

Proposed that earth and other planets orbited the sun


Director of Alexandrian Library

Tried to calculate the size of earth

Calculations were close to the actual size of earth

Pythagorean Theorem

Archemides estimated the value of pi

Euclid compiled a geometry text. used by Erastothenes and Aristarchus

Archemides invented the Archimedes screw - which raised water from the ground

Archimedes explained the law of the lever

The archimedes screw was a compound pulley to lift heavy objects

Contained the lighthouse of Alexandria

Contained the library of Alexandria

The city signified the connection between the east and the west

This is because Alexandria is the image of Alexander's goals, to unify Asia and Europe by taking the best parts of Greek, Persian, Egyptian and Indian culture

They also had a unified language (Koine) and had a unified currency