Hellenistic Culture
Define Hellenistic Culture
- Discovered that planets revolve around the Sun
- Accurately estimated the value of pi
- Invented the Archimedes Screw
- Understood that the Sun was at least 300 times larger than the Earth (Which is a severe understatement, but true)
- Estimated that the Earth's circumference is between 28000 to 29000 miles. (Modern estimations are around 24860 miles)
- Explained the law of the lever
- Demonstrated how something heavy can be moved by a small force
- Invention of Stoicism
- Invention of Epicureanism
- Improved Geometry and Pythagorean Theorem
Hellenistic Culture is a blend of Indian, Persian and Egyptian culture with Greek culture, taking the good parts of all cultures into a common culture. Alexandria became the centre of Hellenistic culture due to its large and diverse population, and Its location at the mouth of the Nile River.