Spring of 1918→radical economic change - due to lack of acsess to resources from Brest-Litovsk and civil war.
- Economic problems
- Industrial output dropped
- Cities - accute food and fuel shoratges
- Prices - rouble value collapsed
- Peasantry unwilling to sell produce for money - returned to native villages - Petrograd lost three-quarters of population between 1918-1920. Population of Moscow halved.
Aims of War Communism→to ensure cities were feed and industrial production was maximised.
key features→compulsory requisitioning, ban on priavte trade, rationing wholesale nationalisation of industry and return to one-man managemnt.
Compulsory Requisitioning→solution to peasant hoarding. Food brigades sent out from the cities to extract grain from peasantry by force. Assisted by Cheka and army. Peasants should have been paid a fixed price for grain, but in practice requisitioning often meant straightforward theft.
Ban of Private Trade→used to prevent Peasants supplying grain to middleman and speculators who sold it on at inflated prices - Black Market soon developed.
Rationing→biggest went to army and workers in heavy industry, then civil servants and light industry workers, bottom capitalists, ,landlords, middle classes.
Large-scale industrial enterprises→under stat control in mid-1918. Small firms nationalised later. Nationalised industries operated under overall supervision of the Vesenkha, individual controlled by departments (glavki)
One-man management→idea to make workforce more disciplined and productive - additionally Bolsheviks introduced system of internal passports to stop industrial worker flight. Trotsky wanted to impose military rule in factories - but Lenin overruled