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Concept Board, SalesAssistAppIcon , brainier logo - Coggle Diagram
Concept Board
Marketing for Training
We create marketing pieces that promote our courses/learning tracks and we communicate those to the field via email, portal, app notifications
Marketing piece should be created as a part of the instructional design process to ensure consistency of message, content, and design.
We can align with Sales, Compliance, Agent Services to promote various training courses/tracks based on their current initiatives. Added Value!
SalesAssist - An App for brokerage agents that includes simple, one-stop access to:
Marketing Materials
Visual library w/thumbnails. Click a thumbnail and you get the option to text or email the brochure/collateral
Adds the ability to communicate to agents in the field via app notifications. Cheaper than text solutions, just as effective.
Recurring, regularly scheduled, hands-free webinars