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Kayla Lay P2 Respiratory System - Coggle Diagram
Kayla Lay P2 Respiratory System
Respiratory volumes and capacities
Inspiratory reserve volume: amount of air that can be inspired forcibly beyond the tidal volume
Expiratory reserve volume: amount of air that can be forcibly expelled from lungs
Tidal volume: amount of air moved into and out of lung w/ each breath
Residual volume: amount of air that always remains in lungs; needed to keep alveoli open
combinations of two or more respiratory volumes
Functional residual capacity: sum of RV + ERV
Vital capacity: sum of TV + IRV + ERV
Inspiration capacity: sum of TV + IRV
Total lung capacity: sum of all lung volumes (TV + IRV + ERV + RV)
Tonsillitis: Infected and swollen tonsils
air not properly moistened, warmed, or filtered
when chronically enlarged, speech and sleep may be disturbed
block air passage in nasopharynx, making it necessary to breathe through mouth
surgery to remove (tonsillectomy)
Laryngitis: inflammation of vocal cords
may be due to overuse of voice, dry air, bacterial infections, tumor in vocal folds, or inhalation of irritating chemicals
most often caused by viral infections
change to vocal tone, cause hoarseness; in severe cases, speaking limited to a whisper
cause vocal cords to swell, interfering w/ vibrations
Smoking inhibits and destroys cilia
w/out ciliary activity, coughing only way to prevent mucus from accumulating in lungs
stop smoking, ciliary functions usually recover within few weeks
Trachea obstruction: closed off trachea
suffocate after choking on piece of food
Heimlich maneuver: procedure in which air in victim's lungs is used to pop out or expel obstructing piece of food
Pleurisy: inflammation of pleurae that often results from pneumonia
inflamed pleurae become rough, result in friction and stabbing pain w/ each breath
pleurae may produce excessive amounts of fluid, may exert pressure on lungs, hindering breathing
other fluids that may accumulate in pleural cavity
blood: leaked from damaged blood vessels
blood filtrate: watery fluid that oozes from lung capillaries when left heart failure occurs
pleural effusion: fluid accumulation in pleural cavity
Atelectasis: lung collapse
plugged bronchioles, which cause collapse of alveoli
Pneumothorax, air in plueral cavity
can occur from either wound in parietal pleura, or reupture of visceral pleura
treated by removing air w/ chest tubes
when pleurae heal, lung reinflates
Volume and Pressure relationships in thoracic cavity
pressure changes lead to flow of gases to equalize pressure
Boyle's law: relationship between pressure and volume of a gas
volume changes lead to pressure changes
Atmospheric pressure
pressure exerted by air surrounding body
760 mmHG sea level = 1 atmospjhere
Intrapulmonary pressure
pressure in alveoli
always eventually equalizes w/ Patm
fluctuates w/ breathing
Transpulmonary pressure
pressure that keeps lung spaces open
keeps lungs from collapsing
Intrapleural pressure
fluctuates w/ breathing
always negative pressure
pressure in pleural cavity
two inward forces promote lung collapse
lung's natural tendency to recoil
surface tension of alveolar fluid
one outward force tends to enlarge lungs
Layers of the Pleurae
Partial pleura: membrane on thoracic wall, superior face of diaphragm, around heart, and between lungs
Visceral pleura: membrane on external lung surface
Pleurae: thin, double-layered serosal membrane that divides thoracic cavity into two pleural compartments and mediastinum
Pleural fluid fills slitlike pleural cavity between two pleurae
provides lubrication and surface tension that assists in expansion and recoil of lungs
Major functions
dispose of CO2, a waste product of cellular respiration
olfactory and speech
supply body with O2 for cellular respiration
4 processes
Respiratory system
external respiration: exchange of O2 and CO2 between lungs and blood
pulmonary ventilation: movement of air into and out of lungs
Circulatory system
transport of O2 and CO2 in blood
internal respiration: exchange of O2 and CO2 between systemic blood vessels and tissues
Upper respiratory
Paranasal sinuses
secrete mucus
help to warm and moisten air
lighten skull
form ring around nasal cavities
located in frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, and maxillary bones
filters and cleans inspired air
serves as resonating chamber for speech
moistens and warms entering air
houses olfactory recpetors
provides an airway for respiration
External nose
areas: root (area between eyebrows); bridge, dorsum nasi (anterior margin), and apex (tip of nose)
Nostrils: bounded laterally by alae
Nasal Cavity
found within and posterior to external nose
divided by midline nasal septum
Nasal vestibule: nasal cavity superior to nostrils
lined w/ vibrissae that filters coarse particles from inspired air
rest lined w/ mucous membranes, psuedostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
ciliated cells sweep contaminated mucus posteriorly towards throat
Nasal conchae: scroll like, mucosa-covered projections that protrude medially from each lateral wall
shape: increase mucosal area, enhance air turbulence
functions: filter, heat, and moisten air
connects nasal cavity and mouth to larynx and esophagus
funnel-shaped muscular tube that runs from base of skull to vertebra c6
passageway for food and air from level of soft palate to epiglottis
palatine tonsils located in lateral walls of fauces
lingual tonsil located posterior surface of tongue
passageway for food and air
posterior to upright epiglottis
extends to larynx, where it is continuous w/ esophagus
soft palate and uvula close nasopharynx during swallowing
pharyngeal tonsils located on posterior wall
air passageway posterior to nasal cavity
Compare and Contrast mechanism of inspiration and expiration
Expiration: gases exit lungs
quiet expiration normally is passive process
inspiration muscles relax, thoracic cavity volume decreases, and lungs recoil
volume decrease causes intrapulmonary pressure to increase
Ppul > Patm so air flows out of lungs down its pressure gradient until Ppul = Patm
Forced expiration is an active process that uses oblique and transverse abdominal muscles, w/ internal intercostal muscles
main parts of respiratory system
two phases of breathing
involves gas exchange by taking O2 in and removing CO2
Inspiration: gases flow into lungs
involves diaphragm and external intercostals; increase of thoracic pressure
diaphragm: when dome-shaped diaphragm contracts, rib cage lifted up
intercostal muscles: when external intercoastals contract, rib cage is lifted up
thoracic cavity volume increases, lungs stretch
causes intrapulmonary pressure to drop
air flows into lungs, down pressure gradient until Ppul = Patm
scalenes, sternocleidomastoid, and pectoralis minor activated
Forced (deep) inspirations
Lower respiration
Bronchial tree
Right: wider, shorter, more vertical
Left: narrower, longer
each enters hilum of one lung
Lobar (secondary) bronchi
each lobar bronchus supplies one lobe
three on right and two on left
Segmental (tertiary) bronchi
divides repeatedly
less than 1 mm in diameter
air passageways connecting trachea with alveoli; cleans, warms, and moisten incoming air
Terminal bronchioles
smallest of all branches
exhale: relaxes and air pushed out of lungs
inhale: contracts and flattens to pull air into lungs
thin, skeletal muscle that sits at base of chest and separates abdomen from chest
dome-shaped below the lungs
air passageway
cleans, warms, and moisten incoming air
extends from larynx into mediastinum, where it divides into two main bronchi
~ 4 inch long, 3/4 inch in diameter, and very flexible
wall layers
Mucosa: ciliated pseudostratified epithelium w/ goblet cells
Submucosa: connective tissue w/ sermucous glands that help produce mucus "sheets" w/ trachea, supported by 16-20 C-shaped cartilage rings that prevent trachea collapse
Adventitia: outermost layer made of connective tissue
main sites of gas exchange
surfactant reduces surface tension, help prevent lung collapse
microscopic chambers at termini of bronchial tree
walls of simple squamous epithelium overlie basement membrane
external surfaces are intimately associated w/ pulmonary capillaries
routes air and food into proper channels
voice production, houses vocal folds
provides patent airway
continuous w/ trachea
extends from 3rd to 6th cervical vertebra and attaches to hyoid bone
Cricoid cartilage: ringp-shaped
Paired arytenoid cartilages: anchor vocal cords
Thyroid cartilage: large, shield-shaped cartilage, "spine" is the laryngeal prominence
Paired cuneiform cartilages
Paired corniculate cartilages
opening to vocal folds, vibrate to produce sound
elastic cartilage
covers laryngeal inlet during swallowing
covered in taste bud-containing mucosa
houses respiratory passage smaller than the main bronchi
paired composite organs that flank mediastinum in thorax
composed primarily of alveoli and respiratory passageways
stroma (elastic CT) allows lungs to recoil during expiration
Internal vs. External Respiration
External echange
diffusion of gasses between blood and lungs
exchange of O2 and CO2 across respiratory membrane
Partial pressure gradients and gas solubilities
Alveolar PO2 = 104 mmHG
Venous blood PO2 = 40 mmHG
Internal exchange
diffusion of gases between blood and tissues
involves capillary gas exchange in body tissues