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Luther leads the reformation - Coggle Diagram
Luther leads the reformation
Engalnd Becomes Protestant
Henry VIII took the throne in 1509 and in 1521 he wrote a letter to Luthers ideas, but it soon tested his ability to rule and he needed a son so the kingdom would stay in the family.
Henry wanted to divorce cathrine once she was 42 and was certain she would bear no more children
you cant divorce inless it is found that your marrige was never legal
Henry asked for a divorce but wasnt granted one
The pope did not want to offend Catherine’s powerful nephew, the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V.
In 1533, Henry secretly married Anne Boleyn
Henry The 8th
all they had was a daughter and no woman had ever ruled the throne
Henry had 6 wives in which he would kill or divorce if they couldnt bear a male
#2 was killed after having a girl and #3 had a boy but then died.
why did Henry the 8th want a divorce or annulment
in case of a civil war they needed a son to take over in case Henry Died
this is a concept because there was a lot of chage in Autohority
The Reformation Parliment
since the pope didnt help, Henry went to parliment in 1529 to have the pope removed
In 1534, Henry’s break with the pope was completed when Parliament voted to approve the Act of Supremacy, Henry then became the head of the church
but if you didnt accept it then you were executed
good concept for all above
Consequences Of Henry's Changes
After Henry’s death in 1547, each of his three children ruled England in turn. This created religious turmoil.
First it was Edward who ruled at 9 years old then it was Mary 6 years later then in 1558 Elizabeth took the throne
Elizabeth I was determined to return her kingdom to Protestantism. In 1559, Parliament followed Elizabeth’s wishes and set up the Church of England, or Anglican Church, with Elizabeth as its head. This was to be the only legal church in England.
Elizabeth 1 came to power at a time of religious turmoil, How did she deal with the question of Religion.
Elizabeth decided to establish a state church that moderate Catholics and moderate Protestants might both accept. To please Protestants, priests in the Church of England were allowed to marry.
To please Catholics, the Church of England kept some of the trappings of the Catholic service such as rich robes. In addition, church services were revised to be somewhat more acceptable to Catholics.
Queen Elizabeth
cause of reformation
the printing press started to share
they thought the religion was corrupted
the popes where raising families. and the monks and priest's were so uneducated they weren't able to read
most of the religious leaders lost their trust from the people
rulers started to challenge the religious leaders
the rulers wanted more power over people anyway but with all the bad things the religious leaders had done it was easier to go after them and they no longer feared the religious leaders due to the lack of believing their power they claim
most everyone wants power and it causes
they started to believe that the bible had more power than the pope of any religious leader
all of the information in the bible was starting to get translated into common language more people knew what the bible was about and started to see the religion wasn't ruled by a person
Luther Challenges the Church
Why was Luther unhappy with the sale of indulgences?
Indulgences allowed people to buy their way out of sins. In a way this made the religion look like a joke being able to buy your way into heaven.
What caused Luther's ideas to spread throughout germany?
With the support of the printing press, Luther’s name and ideas soon were advertised to people and groups all over Germany. His actions began the Reformation, a movement for religious reform. It led to the founding of Christian churches that did not accept the pope’s authority.
Church Reform
Luther wanted full reform of the Church. His teachings rested on three main ideas:
People could receive salvation only by faith in God’s gift of forgiveness. The Church taught that faith and “good works” were needed for salvation.
All Church teachings should be clearly based on the words of the Bible. Both the pope and Church traditions were false authorities.
All people with faith were equal. Therefore, people did not need priests to interpret the Bible for them.
The Response to Luther
Many were unhappy with the Church for political/ economic reasons. They saw Luther's protests as a way to challenge Church control
Why did Luther's teachings become very popular and attract followers?
Both the Pope and Church teachings were false authorities, as Church teachings should be based off words of the Bible.
People could receive salvation only by faith in God's gift of forgiveness. While the Church taught that faith and "good works" were needed for salvation
All people of faith were equal. People didn't need priests to interpret the Bible for them.
Pope Leo X issued a decree threatening Luther with excommunication unless he took back his statements. Which Luther declined. Instead, his students at Wittenberg gathered around a bonfire and cheered as he there the decree into the fire.
Many German princes supported Lutheranism. Some princes genuinely shared Luther's beliefs. Others liked his ideas for selfish reasons.
Seeing his teachings as a good excuse to seize Church property and to assert their independence from Charles V
The protesting princes came to be known as Protestants
Impact of Protestantism today
Charles V went to war against the Protestant princes. Winning, but he failed to force them back into the Catholic Church
Charles, weary of fighting, ordered all German princes, both Protestant and Catholic, to assemble in the city of Augsburg. There the princes agreed that each ruler would decide the religion of his state. This famous religious settlement was known as the Peace of Augsburg.
Why do you think Charles V could not force Protestant princes back into the Catholic Church, even after defeating them?
Luther's movement and ideas were too strong, and spread out for Charles to be able to control the entirety.
Protestantism spread throughout Europe in the 1500s. Three branches of Protestantism emerged: Lutheranism, based on the teachings of Martin Luther in Germany; Calvinism, based on the teachings of John Calvin in Switzerland; and Anglicanism, which was established by King Henry VIII in England.
Some signed a protest against Luther, in support of the Pope
People had the independence to change their religious aspect.