- What changed in 1649
- Dutch ended war with Spain in 1647
- Dutch economy prospered - english economy hit a new low due to general depression, second civil war, royalist uprisings, execution
The Commonwealth→commitment to English sovereignty on the seas e.g. Navigation Act
Reason for First War→refusal of naval salute to English ships
- Failure of the Treaty of Westminster
- Peace treaty between English and Dutch and William III was prevented from becoming Head of State in the Netherlands
- Failed to resolve underlying causes
- Second navigation act
- Strengthened the Stuart Economy at the expense of the Dutch - causing tension
- Colonial Rivalry
- Charles issued Royal charter in 1663 giving Royal African Company a monopoly over West African trade - brought company in direct conflict with Dutch (who had a claim on the region)
- Led to seizure of land and ships - blockade and war
- Dutch able to sail up the Thames and capture warship Royal Charles - secured the relaxation of the Navigation act and had a profound effect on insurance - difficult to find insurers willing to cover voyages.
- Treaty of Dover with France (1670)
- Louis XIV angered with French alliance with Sweden
- Charles 11 entered war in 1672 which was part of wider Franco-Dutch War - continued until 1678 - feared charles would resort to absolutism
- Second treaty of Westminster was signed in 1674 reverting relations between the two states to that of 1667
- Effect of Rivalry
- Positive→when victories and peace treaties were gained, the British usually gained an advantage in international trade
- Negative→long drawn out battles would lead the economy to a standstill.