Constitution→New constitution failed to appeal to conservatives and radicals alike. Within the first week of parliament - Cromwells new position was attacked.
Rump→Many Republican MPs could not forgive the dissolution of the Rump saw position of LP as reversion to the monarchy.
Loss of MPs→Hundred MPs withdrew after recognition was forced.
The Power of the Protector→Parliament voted against many power of the Protector and army power including protectors authority to enact ordinances passed when parliament was not in session. Never confirmed those passed in the ten months between barebones and protectorate parliament.
NMA against elite→By 1653 traditional ruling class saw army as prime danger to everything; rule of parliament, own supremacy in localities, low taxations, control of church. Army saw ruling classes as the obstacle to godly reformation.
First protectorate parliament→stated there would be no cooperation until the Instrument in that respect was amended.
Voice of landed elite→amplified by the conditions for voting laid out by the new constitution.