"Event services" B2B Market Segmentation of LifestyleDMC



Geographis (chaning seasons, geo-politcal landscape, location-based restrictions and cultuarl identity can inlfuence or limit human behavior and inform campaigns)

Behavioral (clients behavior during extented purchase periods)

Psychographics (IAO variables; data can be collected from existing clients; help to identify channels and increase the success of marketing campaigns)

Age range

30-40? more younger or older purchaser?

Job position

Manager, Coordinator, Directors?


Male and Female (or is there a tendency to one or the other?)


(can give insights into their purchasing power, information to avoid wasting time/resources in low-income prospects that are unlikely to become buyers)


Their primary activities? (can indicate which companies are appropriate for specific products/campaigns, for more effective content marketing based on their industry-specific needs, allows to create content for each industry))

Company size

Annual revenue (do they have the capability to afford our services?https://companiesmarketcap.com/largest-companies-by-revenue/ ) Number of employees (can indicate the company's status whether they are a local business or multinational)




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Sales cycle stage

Determine client's sales cycle position to ensure relevant content based on their needs (Sales funnel: Top- brand new leads, Middle-consider our services, Bottom-know us but need more motivation to make a deal)


Europe, Asia, Middle East, Australia & Oceania, Africa, North America, Central America, South America (or from where do buyers come from?)

Purchasing behavior

Complex (highly involved in purchasing decision, significant differences between the brands);


Understanding their business, needs, and problems they may be facing; international-based vs local businesses search for different solutions


Classify the organization to indicate which organization stands to benefit the most from specific services. Which presents the greatest opportunities and are worth pursuing? Such as an individual firm, a partnership, a privately held company, subsidairy, public owned etc.

Performance over time

E.g. organizations with difficultuies need different solutions. Employee gowth, length of existance, profit and losses?

Job & Executive titles

Guide personalization strategies to appeal to specific departments. Job function and levels such as chief of marketing, HR manager etc.

Variety (not very involved with final buying decision, only searching for variety, significant differences between the brands)

Dissonance-reducing (compares two similar brands and bases their decision on differences in price, few differences between brands)

Habitual (decides between similar products based on personal preferences and past experiences, few diffeerences between brands)


Activities and hobbies


Buyer journey stage

Non-users (no knowledge of the company/products)

Prospects (have limited knowledge & undecided about making a purchase)

First-time buyers (recently made a purchase)

Repeat buyers (regular clients)

Former clients (past clients that switched to competitors)

Usage rate/user status
(Indicate who is worth for an investment)

Light users (use services less or are likely to not repeat purchase)

Medium users (purchase serivces on average basis, buy due to specific timing or based on events and discounts)

Heavy users (Loyal and engaged with our services, regularly purchase and contribute large portion of compan's revenue)

Product behavior (help to optimize product/services for the segments)

Most used features

Least popular features

Challanges during the use of the product

Engagement rate
(to see which content is most successful in capturing the attention of the target audience)

Interaction with client service?

Use of chatbots

Interactions on social media

Engagement on website

Channel-based engagement
(determine the preferred channels of communication)

Sodial media (FB, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, YouTube, Whatsapp, Telegram, Snapchat, Pinterest, Reddit


Phone calls

Text messages


Live chat

Pain points


Social conversations

from 50 to 2.500

A mix of International based and local businesses

Could be any industry?

Most of them in middle or bottom?

Individual firms benefit the most from our serivces?

Do purchaser tend to be from a specific department or always from different ones?

make good profit so they can afford corporate events?

Around 60.000€?


And this?


Virtual events?, exhibitions?

Incentive events?, Conferences?, Team building?

online and not face to face? not getting noticed in exhibitions and budget?

Any other metrics??



medium to high

not sure if someone uses it?

Mostly Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn?

medium to high? and for what?

High preferrence to arrange meetings, discuss plans and follow up?

High preferrence? and for what exactly?

high? to dicuss program?

rather low I guess?

Examples of companies and contacts that would want our event serivce: - ....

Spends time on social media in leisure time?

Events to validate employees, bring a more informal atmosphere among employees, celebrate the company's success, build a team, endorse creativity, recharge employees, boost the companys moral

Good standard ethics because they make use of corporate events to improve the work culture and are openminded?

about events, work? what else do they talk with you about?

They don't have the knowledge about planning an event; don't have enough time to organize it; keep in the budget? (why do they decide for another company? price, offers etc)

A manager is interested in the companys success, improving the teams performance (building a strong team, to motivate teams, have effective meetings), and to upgrade leadership skills.