The Restoration of the Ancien Régime
The return to the political system of the Ancien Régime
It was imposed by the European powers
In 1815
The supporters of the Restoration believed the monarchy was only capalble of leading a country
Popular sovereignty and constitutions could never exist again
In 1814–1815 Congress of Vienna
Where the European powers met
Absolute monarchies were reinstated
The European monarchs returned
Europe's borders were changed
Napoleon transformed the map of Europe
The European powers agreed to...
During it...
2 European alliances
The Quadruple Alliance
The Holy Alliance
Russia, Austria and Prussia supported each other
Russia, Austria, Prussia and Great Britain supported each other
Their main objective
hold regular meetings
to resolve Europe's problems
support any monarch who was threatened by revolution
or any attempt to limit his/her power
Formed to..
enforce the agreements made at the Congress of Vienna
To assist any absolute monarch who was threatened by revolution.
Had Finland, Ottom empire and part of Poland
Had Lombardy-Venetta, part of Poland, Dalmatta and the Tyrol
Had Rhineland, part of Poland and part of Saxony
United Kingdom
Had the control of the Mediterranean Sea, North sea, Baltic sea, Malta and Ionian island
Important changes
Kingdom of Netherlands
Formed by Belgium and the United
German confederation
Formed by 39 German states
Dominated by Austria and Prussia
Divided into 7 states
Had Norway
Its sice was reduced in 1791
Liberalism, nationalism and democracy
European Revolution
European revolutions took place in 19th century
Many people refused to accept the Restoration and the return of Ancien Regime
2 ideologies
Advocates individual liberties
Right to life
Freedom of expression and association
Right to choose political representatives
Right to own private property
British liberalism and Enlightenment ideas
Represented the interests of the wealthy burgeoisie
Prinicples they supported
constitutional monarchy
Separation of powers
individual liberties
popular sovereignty
Guaranteed citizens rights and liberties
Form of government
Executive power held by ...
Legislative power held by...
Judicial power held by...
cortes or parliament
The monarch and the government
Limited male suffrage based on property ownership
Freedom of association and expression
Freedom of the press
Freedom of religion
An ideology
Advocates the right of people who define themselves as a nation to form independent states
Principles they supported
A population with common links
Culture, history and language
Popular sovereignty
all citizens feel part of the nation
each nation
Choose its own form of government
2 different types
Unification nationalism
Separatist nationalism
Advocated the unification of independent states with a common language and history
Advocated independence for regions that formed part of multinational states
Democratic movements
Advocated ordinary people's right to participate in politics
The petite bourgeoisie rejected the limited male suffrage
The limitated male was imposed by the wealthy bourgeoisie
As they didn't have much or any property, they didn't have the right to vote
Principles supported
Universal manhood suffrage
All men should have the right to vote
The republic a form of government
They considered hereditary monarchy to be incompatible with democracy