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Origina of theAmerican deaf world - Coggle Diagram
Origina of theAmerican deaf world
first deaf-mute family in America, Thomas brown's family with Periss Gibson in 1763
Radidly decreasing currency with British wanted payment in gold, and pounds forced Thomas brown to flee to Henniker,
He build, "The Brown house", then some how communicated with is Son Nahum to bring their live stock and family to henniker
Nahum had the deed to the land, it is speculated that their mother's family bough the land bc Thomas did not have the money
Nahum Brown spoke in natural signs or pantomime and his wife aided in interpreting for business related inquires
Nahum' son Thomas II was one the first deaf-mutes to be educated and become a preeminent deaf leader
5 years before Thomas I died his son and friends drafted a constitution for the first deaf organization in the U.S.
Thams II began studies at 15, and studied under Laurent CLer, and Thomas Gallaudet, and Harvey Peet but would go on the decline opportunities and help their family's land
Thomas met Mary at school, and went to chilamrk Massachusetts to Mary smith
On Martha's Vineyard's most people could trace their pedigree to three people, James Skiffe, Samuel Tilton, and Jonathan Lambert
All three families were linked before moving to Chilmark
Vineyard was perfect for farmland and raising livestock and the Indians were amicable
The population stopped growing around 1800 at 3000 people
As the American asylum opened intermarriage on the island decreased, and there were anomaly's like the marriage of Mary smith to someone not from the island
Both hearing and deaf people in Martha's VY used sign lnaguage,
It could've originally been BSL, 40 % signs were BSL cognates
Most that attended the asylum would not return to Vineyard
It is speculated that MVY, they valued their village more than the company of other deaf people
"Being deaf itself is irrelevant, as deaf people have access to everyone in the village."
the people in MVY was throughly assimilated
In relation to the mayan village, it's family first, second the village, then within he mayan society
Mary and Thomas headed off the henniker far frothier hearing/deaf family
Mary would make cheese and sell for $2, Thomas was a good horseman and raised cattle, he would name in his lots, figures like Gallaudet, Peet, and clerc
persis gave birth to Thomas B. swett and William sweet who were educated in the asylum and married deaf woman,
Jospeh lvingstone and worked lived with the brown family normal at this time, and a nearby deaf couple were close friends, creating a community
Alexander G bell's notebooks, lists all deaf people in New Hampshire
According to the census in 2880, 13 deaf residents lived in towns contiguous to henniker, the Toal came by to 27
Thomas brown idea to bring together the largest gathering of deaf people, to show gratitude to Gallaudet and clerc
They raised $600 dollars and 200+ deaf pupils gathered and presents symbolic engraved silver pitchers of the asylum founders
that gathering ws the forerunner for conventions and association of deaf people in the U.S.
Galludet died the next year, and at the funeral clerc stated Thomas brown and others will form a society of deaf people and frame a constitution
in 1860 Thomas friend William Chamberlain started the associations publication, th egalluadet guise and deaf mutes compnaiion, publications for deaf readers