pgramatic T.S


practical , realistic, sensible and suitable

what is the focuses?

practical aspects of idea

used to evaluate and assess the ability to implement ideas

used only when :agree, support, and accept a given idea

characteristics of P.T.S

prioritize ideas that can be implements

place idea appropriate

think of what to do

look at various : problem and slove it 1 by 1

look at and idea from the points of short term profit


is used after thinking critically and negatively.

constructive T.S is the essential to understand emotions

the key to emotional intelligence

seeks, because we need this T.S

improve, strengthen, enhance or corrects an ideas or action

prevents risks and losses

avoids the causes that may lead to failures

ensure that an ideas can be implemented

key: refers to one's understanding that interpretations often have an influence on your emotional.


taarif: is based on logical reasoning

focuses on information and facts

(ia memisahkan dan membezakan) separated and distinguishes elements of : concept, idea, problem and issue

(supaya) so that, one can understand tis essential nature and inner relationship

this T.S also, broke down the given issue and problem into smaller components to facilitate the examinations of each components in details

method to enhance/ upgrade A.T.S

ask those people involved in an issues to explains main concern

categorize components of the issue in appropriate and suitable sub-headings or grouping

breakdown big issues into theirs component parts

learn to separate facts into 3 categories: important, unimportant, totally irrelevant

learn to separate facts into 3 fiction, unproved hypotheses and hearsay

use analytical tools : journalistic six or 5w=1h. : fishbone/ishikawa. :causes and effects

this T.S is not suitable to create or generate new idea and good to be used in one's analysis and criticism only

require to use A.T.S

to identify possible

to evaluate possible

to analyse the problem

to select the best solutions

to define/identify the problem

to evaluate the best solution


taarif: is away of thinking that assesses and examine s that worth and validity of something in existences

process involve a form analysis: precise, accurate, persistent, continuous and objective

its used to: identify, analyze, evaluate arguments, true claims

it is useful in: discovering, overcoming personal prejudice, bias, formulating, presenting convincing reasons(conclusion), making reasonable, intelligent decisions about what to believe and what to do

techniques to be critical thinker

try to hear more than merely receiving from both sides.

learn to read and understand what i explicit and implicit

learn from individual who are good at asking sound and critical questions.

use the website to learn more about critical thinking style.

be expert in the field you need to be critical about

use a guidelines of C.T.S

attend talk, lectures, seminar to improve thinking style


taarif: is a way of thinking that generates and produces something new or different and generation of different ideas that work as well or better than previous ones

C.T.S is generative and divergent in nature and looking at something from various and different angle.

how to identifying possibilities to create something new in term of:

idea and design

strategies and concepts


rules, theories

hypotheses and tactic

new way of solving and easing conflicts

focuses on: exploring ideas, generating possibilities and looking for many right answers rathe than just one

techniques to improve C.T.S

leave and forget problem you thinking for a while

use website to generate our new idea

find friend and companions

make a friend with creative friend

find our own creative period

consume a good food for brains

attend talk, seminar to improve thinking skills

reading a book about creativity

use creative thinking tools: five classic creatively method, reverse brainstorming, lotus blossom technique

this C.T.S suitable for2 situations:

when identifying possible solution that may effective for the problem

when implementing a solutions to a problem

creative idea results from creative thinker should be: new, unusual, useful, unique, interesting


was introduce d by EDWARD BONO in 1967

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