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6) Shades of red (Nyssonen Heino) - Coggle Diagram
6) Shades of red (Nyssonen Heino)
soviet expansion,
Western Buffer Zone (1939)
: Molotov-Ribbentrop pact (neutrality agreement) =
advances to ECE
"the danger comes from the west"
Napoleon, Crimean War, WW1, AH, WW2...
ECE historical perception of Russia
Hungarians: antipathy x communism bc of Soviet Repub (1919)
Czechs, Srbs, Bulgarians: Pan-SLavic feelings,
memory of great-power support from earlier times
Polish: bitter memories, Soviet-Polish War (1920)
preWW2 factors effecting Soviet post-war policies for ECE
ECE: fractured, powerless
ECE given to USSR (Yalta, POstupim...): for war efforts,
ECE: Buffer zone x German or future aggresion
perception of liberation
(Czechs, Bulgarians) xxx
unwilling allies
(Hungary, Romania)
GEO/ historical reasons - focus of East-Germany, Poland, CZS
New political agenda to replace earlier ones about historical territorial conflicts occupation to stop balkanization
Stalinist terror, forced industrialization, iron fist
communist tried to change traditional peasant society into a country of iron and steel
H not a sovereign state (coercion) - external sources of authority in domestic structures (consultations, advisors...)
H communist leaders sought SOviet political / militar interventions voluntarily
Moderation and revolution
Sep 47: Kominform (plans for it before the Marshall plan)
Matyás Rákosi: Stalinist leader = cult of personality
political spectrum (SALAMI) and we go from the right and cut until the communist left (one by one)
ousting, arresting, deporting political adversaries
social democrats forced to go to coalition with communist
right wing parties = BANNED
started to accuse small holders party of treason and other crimes
Kádar reconstructed the salami - in unity - no disagreements
Allied COntroll COmission in occupied, enemy countriese (with Soviet leadership) - till Paris Treaty 47
* The People´s Republic of Hungary
soft speech at the beginning
Moscow power limited to coercion and it lacked ability to attract
48: military treaties with USSR: H part of USSR military space
H financed USSR occupation costs + for USSR unlimited use of H terrytory by military
bilateral trade relations: source of coercive power: H eco reliant on USSR commodities + soviet markets
politically very limited, legally full (formally)
Kádar era (1956-1988)
: consolidation of regime
from MVZ isolation to most favored nation
1959: SOCIALIST PATRIOTISM = new concept patriotic + progressive values
1956-1961: MVZ isolation
, Stalinism comeback, at mercy of USSR
1962: general amnesty was granted to the 1956 revolutionaries
po 56 west goal: from liberation to softening communist EEU
od 62: post stalinism, relying on the lessons of the revolution, more flexible === r
econciliation negotiations with USA
- H case off the agenda of UN GA,
to majority of participants of 56 =
normalization of the relations with Western statese (the same recognition as other communist st)
recovery period and economic reform (Late 60s) NEW MECHANISM
= "controlled market based economy" (planning + market incentives = nadprodukcia mine, injustices of capitalisms no, shortages no...)
cultural freedom with a national flavour
deviation from the usual Marxist-Leninist line
idea of communist prosperity and consumerism
some liberation (eco policies)
hidden compromise" as long as you accept the one-party rule (netural/pro-Communist), you will have decent life if you don´t question the regime
Kádar era (1956-88)
3 Ts: supported, tolerated, forbidden
tourism + travel (up up up)
red passport: without visa to East (ordinary citizens)
1984 new passport without any restrictions
blue passport: West
1979: FInlnad, AUstria visa-free
60s: who were not openly x the regime were potential allies
62: end of open terror - "soft dictatorship"
do 1967: USA 1 of 3 countires with which H maintained diplomatic relations only at the level of legation
68: H participation "reluctant ally"
po 68: H the only state in SOviet block that stayed refromist (70/80s plateu)
reforms halted, but Goulash goes on, then from 1985 a new wave of eco reforms, political moderation, open up to the West - yet Salami reconstructed
1974: party accepted progressive bourgeois and democratic peasant legaies as a part of national tradition
1972 constitution: H = socialist
56- 1973:US embassy azyl to Cardinal Mindszentys case was closed = relations with Vatican became normalized
60s/ 70s greatest challenges to H lifestyle (up consumer-organized way of living and commercialism)
70s: eco problems - macroeco, loans, oil crisis, H trade balance setbacks...
60/70s: more cultural freedom, less ideology pressure (censura), more liberalized eco, less restricted travel, living standards up
Nov: referendum
round table negotiations
agreement between opposition and the regime
they could not agree on how to elect the president
after the parliamentary election - parliament should elect it = OPPOSITION
before parliamentary election and there would be general election = NATIONAL / COMMUNIST
1st free election (much earlier than elsewhere)
negotiated revolution = gradual (same as when communist came)
H was several years ahead of the other former socialist states in bureaucracy and legislation
János Kádar homogenised the country = "happiest barrack"
Dec 1986: nonconformist activists organized 1st illegal conference in a private apartment
1988: * illegal Committee of HIstorical Justice: demanded reliable history writing on the post 45 period, 56 ...
most westernized and liberal country in the former Eastern block
1983: reform policy: encourage small scale private business
1981: 5day working week established1985: standard of living hasdecreased for the 1st time
80s: eco bad - debts to Western banks, MVZ eco org membership: indebtedness, living standards , world wide recession (communism unable respond)
EEU: shield from imperialistic expansion of USA
ZSSR v WW2: agressor (45) x victim (41 H agression)
1956 (23.10. - 4.11)
from political crisis to uprising
koniec okt: H sit = threat to USSR = no alternative = MILITARY INTERVENTION
possible solutions: political (H si urobí sama poriadok) = FAIL xxx troops
H irreversible democratic transition (it would have resulted in end of comunism, had it not been 4.11) + possible domino effect "89 in 56"
po smrti Stalina: uvoľnenie režimu, 56 congress, H wants to neutral
1.11: suspension of VZ, neutrality, gov turns to UN
4.11. full scale invasion by soviets (comp s 68)
"if nagy were able to consolidate the sit without jeopardising communist Soviet block"
USA reaction: no political means, military possible WW3 + from massive liberation propaganda to de jure acknowledgement of EU status quo + softening rethoric
Western powers acknowledged EU status quo - guarantee of security policy (56-89) - ZSSR could do anything in their block - US would not have crossed the line = 60s up confidence
Janos Reiner "Kádarism"
these changes mirror the changes in USSR
the main structure (essence of the USSR-type system) did not change
undivided one-party rule
state ownership of the means of production
one ideology, Warsaw Alliance...
"from salami to goulash in the happiest barrack"
important shifts in detail
ideology: from "world revolution" to "modernization"
rationalization of central planning, elements of consumerism
diminishing role of coercive apparatuses and functions
Heino: Salami Reconstructed: Goulash Communism and Political Culture in Hungary
political culture (theory)
the subjective perception of history and politics, the fundamental beliefs and values, the focus of identification and loyalty, the political knowledge and expectation of nations and groups
how people define their own surrounding and attitudes to politis and analyse their own notion of politics
20th century.: ECE many radical changes of political system
historical continuity + role of the Hungarian nation within the state = Essential
dominant political culture + various political subcultures
Hungary not identical with the communist rule
H felt national and ethnic uniqueness due to the isolation of their language in the region
1954: Patriotic People´s Front
one of the founders: Imre Nagy
tried to integrate social clases, published newspaper, organized elecitons and in principle offered a channel to act in the framework of the party state but outside the party itself
an official unifying para-opposition organization
90% of H lived outside political activities
catholic coutnry with significant Protestant and Jewish minorities
Fragmentation is not relevant feature in Hungarian political culture
: part of the political culture of the ECE (Kossuth, Petrofi...)
16th century occupation by Turks - then by Habsburgs - dual monarchy - 1920 2/3 territory lost - democratic H - HSR - Horthy era - interwar H - WW2 - Communist rule (The People´s Republic cof H) - free
Kádar era (1956-1988)
progress and social justice = goal of unified political culture
goulash communism + united country
personal guarantor of stable relations with the USSR
crushed 1956 uprising with the help of Soviets
kádarism: soft dicatorship
45-89: faith of EEU determined by status quo of 45 (unofficial)