Contemporary Art

Diversion from Traditional image

Cultural Reformation

Voice of the Material

Change of Space images

Betye Sarr - Black Girls window image

Viewers become active role in Art, Objects begin to assert their presence gaining a sense of autonomy.


Form and Material By Vilem Flusser The idea that concepts and forms are imposed on material though historical uses and context.

Senga Nengudi- RSVP series image

Bli-zzard Ball Sale -David Hammons image

Allan Kaprow

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Land Art

Sculpture in the Expanded Field- Rosalind Krauss

The line between art and architecture becomes ambiguous and amorphous

"The logic of the space of postmodernist practice is no longer organized around the definition of a given medium on the grounds of material, or, for that matter, the perception of material. It is organized instead though the universe of terms that are felt to be in opposition with a cultural situation." (Krauss p.43)

Minimalism/Art and Objecthood

Robert Morris image

Tony Smith-Smoke image

James Turrel image

Black Arts movement

Carolee Schneemann- Interior Scroll image

Directly manipulating film stock to create a film

Andy Goldsworthy - image

Temporal Material

Fact of Blackness -Frantz Fanon image

Chris Ofili The holy Virgin Mary image

Melvin Edwards image

Mary Miss Perimeters/Pavilions/Decoys image

Art and Objecthood - Michael Fried "One is more aware than before that he himself is establishing relationships as he apprehends the object from varying positions and under varying conditions of light and spatial context."

Performance - Diana Taylor - The idea that performance is a way of planting cultural seeds based on the idea that the most profound way humans gain knowledge is through mimesis.

Len Lye image

"I came Into the world imbued with a will to find the meaning in things, my spirit filled with the desire to attain to the source of the world and then I found that I was an object in the midst of other objects. - Fanon

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