
Biodiversity and ecosystem loss

Sustainable living

Fast fashion

Transracial adoption

Teen pregnancy

Belief Systems

Abondonment of domesticated animals

Same-sex adoption

Religious taboos about menstruation

Animal Cruelty

Ocean acidification

Religious restrictions on clothing

To what extent do religious taboos about menstruation impact women?

To what extent do religious traditions impact upcoming generations expression through clothing?

How does growing up in a transracial adoptive family impact the development of a childs identity?

How has fast fashion impacted the environment?

How has fast fashion affected humans and animals?

personal, not global issue

descriptive, make it exploratory

good idea, but make it more concise

descriptive, make it exploratory

descriptive, make it exploratory

Do religous taboos about menstruation impact women?

Are religious taboos the principal cause of period shame?

Does religious clothing restrict expression through fashion?

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Does gender

Does gender play a role in the upbringing of a child?

Changing Communities

Should LGBTQ+ awareness be introduced at a young age?

Does gender play a role in LGBTQ+ acceptance?

Should movies include romance between same-sex couples?

Should social media promote body positivity?

Should social media provide mental health advice?

Does the instillation of religous beliefs create bias?

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