(8 Chapters)
(Item, people, place...)
(Mendeskripsikan noun)
(You, ours, some)
(Kata kerja/Action!)
(Mendeskripsikan kata kerja)
(At, in, from noun &/or pronoun -> other word)
(Join - and, but, though)
(ah, dear, er [short exclammation])
Form of English Nouns
(What information does noun gives?)
Uses of English Nouns
(What jobs can nouns do)
Types of Nouns
Number of nouns
Noun suffixes
Gender of nouns
Articles 1.6
Nouns as subjects
Nouns as subject complements
Possessive Nouns
Nouns as direct objects
Nouns as objects of preposition
What is an Adjective?
Descriptive Adjectives
Determiners of Limiting Adjectives
Suffixes and Origin Adjectives
Overview of Adjectives
Part One
(What Information Do Pronouns Give?)
Part Two
(What Jobs can Pronouns Do?)
Pronoun Chart
Pronouns Avoid Repetition
Personal Pronouns
Grammar Person
Number of Pronouns
Gender of Pronouns
Another Personal Pronoun: Possessive Pronouns
Pronouns Used to Form Questions
Pronouns Pointing Out People or Things
Pronouns Naming Nonspecific People or Things
Overview: Subject Pronouns, Object Pronouns, and Possessive Pronouns
A great start: Subject Pronouns
Subject and Object Pronouns Together
A different job: Object Pronouns with Prepositions
Possessive Pronouns
Question words Revisited
Overview of Pronouns
Part One
(Form of English Verbs)
Verb Families
Types of Verbs
Regular and Irregular Verbs
The Four Principal Parts of A Verb
The First Principal Part: Base Form
The Second Principal Part: Past Form
The Third Principal Part: Present Participle
The Fourth Principle Part: Past Participle
Part Two
(Uses of English Verbs)
The Four Principal Parts and Verb Tenses
Special Helping Verbs: Modals
Linking Verb To Be as A Main Verb
Non-action Verb To Have as Main Verb
Main and Helping Verbs in Questions and Statements
Verbs with Direct Objects
Transitive and Intrasitive Verbs
Verbs Expressing Commands
Overview of Verbs
What is an Adverb?
Five Groups of Adverbs that Modify Verbs
Adverbs Used to Form Questions
Placement of Adverbs
When Adjectives Become Adverbs
When Adverbs Modify Adjectives
Comparison With Adverbs and Adjectives
Overview of Adjectives and Adverbs as Modifiers
What is a Preposition
What Prepositions Express
Frequently Used Prepositions
Single-Word and Compound Prepositions
Prepositional Phrases with Nouns and Pronouns
Extended Units With Direct Objects and Objects of A Preposition
Some Words Are Both Prepositions and Adverbs
What is a Conjunction
Joining Words
Joining Phrases
Joining Sentences
What is an Interjection