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Noah Lopez Anatomy and Physiology Period 1 Nervous system - Coggle Diagram
Noah Lopez Anatomy and Physiology Period 1 Nervous system
Major functions of the nervous system
The nervous system is meant to function as the master controlling and communicating part of our bodies.
Sensory input
Information brought together by sensory receptors about changed both external and internal
The processing and interpretaion of a sensory input
Motor output
the activation of muscles and glands that will produce a response for the body
Autonomic nervous system
regulates smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and different glands
Parasympathetic: Conserves bodies regular functions, like digestion and rest
sympathetic: bodies flight or fight system and is used when in an emergency state
Somatic nervous system
Allows for voluntary control of our skeletal muscles using CNS to conduct impulses to skeletal muscle
The nervous system is the center of all brain activity including memory, thoughts, and learning
Central nervous system: This includes the brain ans spinal cord while being the integration and control center for the body
Major divisions and subdivisions of the nervous system
CNS: The central nervous system contains the brain and spinal cord. The CNS recieves sensory input though the spinal cord into the brainstem, into the brain then sensory output occurs back to effector organ.
The smaller part of the brain is the cerebellum responsible for coordination, and proper body functions.
The main big brain is called the cerebrum which is where we get our personality, thought process, and memory
PNS: The PNS is outside the CNS and is the nerves that are attached to the spinal cord. These nerves are categorized depending on where they extend from. Nerves extending from the brain are cranial nerves, and nerves extending from the spinal cord are spinal nerves.
SNS: The sns is our fight or flight system being activated during an emergancy with the body. It conducts impulses from the CNS to skeletal muscle.
ANS: The ans is involuntary, as we can't control it. It controls our basic functions to keep us alive. It helps control our body during exercise.
Sensory division: This is when impulses are conveyed from organs sent to CNS. For example when our skin touches, our tounge taste, or when our eyes receives light.
Motor efferent divison id when signals are sent to the CNS to Effector organs. Muscles and glands recive the motor output.
neurongila is the main supporting cell for the PNS giving protection to neurons. Neurongila are broken down into 4 different classes Astrocytes, Microglial cells, Olgoddendrocytes, and Ependymal cells.
Astrocytes: Astrocytes are mean to support and protect neruons.These cells are very abundant, being in the brain and spinal cord. In the brain it helps with transmitting information.
Ependymal cells: These cells line cavities in the brain and spinal cord. They play a very critcal role with CSF while also being the cells that clear waste out of the brain
Olgodenfrocytes: These cells form the myelin sheaths that help with the process of transferring signals to the brain. These cells are very branched and they wrap around CNS fibers.
Microglial cells: these cells process motor having to do with touch. They help with damaged neurons .
neuron: These cells are what transmit signals to brain and spinal cord.
Classifications of neurons
Neuron: transmits signal to brain using electrial signals
Motor neurons carry signals from the CNS to the brain. Motor neurons connect to muscles and send the signal to the spinal cord
Sensory neuron: These neurons send there signal to the spinal cord as well but instead of being attached to organs are effected by the outside enviorment
Unipolar: Contains 2 axons and is also reffered to as pseudounipolar
Multipolar: Contains 1 axon and contains 3 or more processes. They also contain dendriets.
Bipolar: contain two processes, 1 axon and 1 dendrite
Axon :
Contains this when the signal is sent to the spinal cord. The signal is sent through the
, into the axon ,into the myelin sheath, and then the axon terminal
Connective tissue coverings
The arachnoid mater is the second toughest layer of the brain and is a clear like layer. It still provides resistance for the brain but it isn't as strong as the dura.
The dura mater is the strongest of the three coverings in the brain. It is a tough white material that is resistant to damage. It is pretty tough and is challanging to slice or rip through
The Pia mater is the last layer and the weakest of the three. It is very hard to differentiate with the arachnoid mater also being translucent. It is very weak but still offers some protection for our brain
The Choroid plexusi: cluster of capillaries that hang from roof of each ventricle
Endoneuroium: This connective tissue protects and covers axons and myelin sheaths.
The Perineurim: this connective tissue bundles fibers together to make fascicles
Epineurium: this connective tissue is around all bundles of fibers, making up different nerves. The afferent and efferent fibers are used to do this
Major parts and functions of the brain
Cerebrum: Largest part of our brain, that regulates body temperature and allows for speech, thinking, personality, emotions, and learning to exist.
thalamus: The thalamus sends signals to different parts of our brain to allow for messages to be transmitted. For example when we touch something we know were touching it because of neurons send to the thalamus which then sends that signal to the somatosensory cortex.
Frontal Lobe: The frontal lobe manages our higher level thinking skills, also where are personality is found. it controls our behavior and our emotions while also used for speech.
Parietal Lobe: the parietal lobe is responsible for our sense of touch, pain , and sensory perception. This lobe helps contains the somatosensory cortex which allows us to know what we are touching.
Temporal lobe: The temporal lobe is most responsible for auditory understanding, our memories, and parts of our emotions. It contains the auditory cortex allowing for us to understand noises and remeber them.
Occipital lobe: The occipital is most responsible for our vision, while also having some responsibility with taste and movement. The visual cortex is located in the occipital lobe, making it so we're able to easily process what we are seeing and allowing us to be able to see color as well.
Hypothalamus: the hypothalamus is right under the thalamus and helps control appetite, weight, and our body temperature.
The dura mater is a a layer of connective tissue meant to protect our brain being resistant to damage to the brain. The Arachnoid and pia mater are also other layers of protection under the dura and are clear layers that are softer and thinner then the dura.
White matter, is responsible for learning and primary brain functions. It can be found inside the brain through a sagital veiw
Gray matter: It plays a role with movement control, memory, and our bodies emotions. It appears as dark through a saggital view
Cerebellum: Cerebellum helps with our bodies balance and coordination. It allows us to have good body posture and the 2nd part of our brain
Pons: The pons is responsible for relying our sensory information to our thalamus.
Medulla Oblongata: The medulla is mainly responsible for our heart control and bodies resperation. It also has control over our bodies blood pressure and digestion system
Major parts and functions of spinal cord
White matter: White matter allows for communication between parts of the brain and spinal cord being within both
Gray matter: Gray matter consist of interneurons which are present throughout all of the spinal cord.
Lateral horns: Lateral horns are made up of sympathetic neruons which communicate with the CNS
ventral Horns: The ventral horns are made up of somatic nerurons and interneurons that send axons via the roots of the spinal cord.
Spinal cord provides a communication system for the brain and the body. The body is able to send signals to brain via input and the brain is able to transmitt and process it back via output.
The spinal cord is in the center of our body being protected by surronding organs and bones. It is very fragile and if damaged severe side effects will occur. The nerves in the spinal cord are very fragile.
The spinal cord gives the body its posture keeping us up instead of slouched over.
Action potential and the nerve impulse
The action potential is the principal way neurons send signals. This only occurs in the muscle cells and in the axons of neurons.
For an action potential to generate there are 4 main steps, Resting state, Depolarization, Repolarization, and Hyperpolarization.
In the depolarization stage, the sodium channels open up. At threshold positive feedback causes the opening of all sodium channels.The cell under goes an electrical shift.
In the Repolarization stage, all sodium channels begin inactivating, while the potassium channels remain open. The membrane potential goes back to a negative potential. Voltage gated potassium channels are open.
In resting state all gated sodium channels and potassium channels are close. Only the leakage channels are open.
The last stage Hyperpolarization, some of the potassium channels remain open and all sodium channels reset. The membrane becomes less negative,.
Propagation allows AP to be transmitted from origin down entire axon length towards terminals. Once this is put in, AP is self propagating
Refactory periods: The time in which neurons cannot trigger another AP
Conduction velocity: AP occurs only in Axons not other cell areas
Continuous Conduction: slow conduction that occurs in nonmyeliated Axons
Saltatory conduction: occurs only in myelinated axons and is 30 times faster. Myelin sheaths insulate and prevent leakage of change.
Nerve signal is sent to the denfrite, then to the axon, through the myelin sheaths and lastly out though the axon terminals.
Cranial Nerves
Oculomotor nerves: This nerve has to do with out eyes, as it allows for our iris to enlarge, controls our lens shape, and directs eyeball.
Optic nerves: These nerves work with our eyes, being connecting to our chiasma. They are used for processing optical veiwing.
Offactory nerves: These nerves have to do with our sense of smell, which works with fibers.
Hypoglossal nerves: these nerves have to do with our sense of taste. These serves contribute to swallowing and speech.
Facial nerves: these nerves work with our sense of taste. They also work with our face allowing us to make expressions with out emotions.
Vestibulocochlear nerves: this nerve works with our ears, with the nerve being connected to our ear and our brainstem.This contibutes to our hearing.
Abducens nerves: This nerve innervates our rectus muscle, having to do with out eyes.
Glossopharyngeal: motor functions innervate our tongue, contributting to our sense of taste.
Accessory nerves: These nerves have to do with our trapezius, innervating the muscle.
Trochlear nerves: These nerves have to do with our face. They are from our brainstem to our brian.
Spinal Nerves
Spinal nerves run throughout the whole entire body, being in contact with organs. their are specfically 31 pairs.
each spinal nerve is connected to the spinal cord by spinal cord roots
Ventral roots: these roots have motor fibers meant for touch, taste, etc,.
Dorsal roots: these roots contain the sensory fibers meant for the inernal organs in the body. The impulse in conducted from peripheral receptos
There are 8 pairs of cervical nerves, 12 pairs of thoracic nerves, 5 pairs of sacral nerves, 1 pair of coccygeal nerves, and 5 pairs of lumbar nerves
Spinal nerves allow for the brain and spinal cord to communicate at very fast speeds.
Compare and contrast the ANS
The ANS mostly has to do with the spinal cord while the PNS is mainly the brain and spinal cord together. They both cooperate to transmit signals. The ANS sends the signal through nerves into the spinal cord and then into the brain then back to effector organ. The ANS contains many more nerves while the PNS doesn't. They both have ganglia, efferent pathways, and effectors. They are both highly fragile with harsh side effects if damaged. The PNS involved our thinking and though process while the ANS doesnt.
Reflex arc
reflec arc describes the pathway in which nerve impulses is carried and responded to with the effector organ.
The receptor is the site of stimulus action
The sensory neuron transmits afferent impulses to CNS
Integration Center: either motorsynaptic or polysynaptic reigon within CNS
motor neuron conducts efferent impulses from intergration center to effector organ
Effector muscle fiber of gland cell that responds to efferent impulses by contracting or secreting
Somatic reflexes:these reflexes activate skeletal muscle
Autonomic Reflexes: Activate visceral effectors
Disorders associated with Nervous System
Alzhimers disease
Affects with brain function: and escpeically memory. Memory is lost and person can''t remember past expierences. Proteins in the brain are messed up and cause this disease.
multiple sclerosis
This is when the brain and bodies connection gets tampered with. It can cause for random loss of vision, pain, and or fatigue. Nerves are damaged.
Damage with cells in the brain occus, and causes for dopamine levels to drop. It can cause unbalance, slow movement, and sitffness.
ecstasy: Ecstasy is a drug that messes with the Serotonin neurotransmitter in the brain. Ecstasy mimics serotonin, which then serotonin starts being transported out of the cell because the cell gets confused. Ecstasy makes you feel confused, anxious, while also increasing your bodies heart-rate
LSD: LSD is a drug that effects with the Serotonin Neurotransmitter. There is no specfifc receptor is messes with as it messes with multiple. This drug makes people feel very responsive. This drug temporaly alters a persons mind making them see things that aren't really happening.
Heroine: Heroine messes with the inhibatory neurotransmitter, specfically turning off dopamine inhibitation. Dopamine unable to enter, ends up entering the synapse. This drug makes you feel warm, detached, and relaxed.
Meth: When meth is taken, it messes with the dopamine neutrotransmitter. The transmitter is replaced with meth, and dopamine is entered through the synapse. Receptors accept the dopamine but this isn't whats supposed to happen. The cell is overstimulated by the dopamine. When meth is taken, it makes you feel intense pleasure making it highly addictive.
Alcohol: Alcohol messes with the Glutamate neurotransmitter, and the Gaba neurotransmitter in the brain. This drug reacts with the receptors casusing a sedetie punch, making the receptos more inhibitory. Alcohol also prevents Glutamate from excreting the cell.
Cocaine: this dug makes you feel energized and alert when taken in big amounts. it affects with the transmittes in your brain making it so you feel alerted and awake. Your more prone to sound .
Marijuana: This drug makes you feel calmed and relaxes while making you lose your memory. It effects terminals in the brain which cause you to feel relaxed and calm. It is a dug used to relive stress and anxiety.