The importance of images in teaching / learning processes is remarkable in many aspects, including:
• The images are motivating, sensitize and stimulate the interest of students towards a certain topic.
• They facilitate instruction, complementing verbal explanations with easy-to-understand concrete iconic content that contribute to content fixation. They can also present abstractions graphically.
• They require a global processing of the information they contain, and can produce an emotional impact that generates feelings and attitudes.
• They facilitate comparisons between different elements and allow the different phases of complex processes to be analyzed in detail.
• They allow to know better the past (engravings, monuments ...) or to see realities that are not usually accessible (images from microscopes, telescopes ...)
• They can simplify or synthesize complex realities (diagrams, diagrams ...)
• Fernández (Fernández et al .; 1978, 199) also highlights its possibilities as an instrument for evaluation, a source of dialogue and a means of recreation.
Furthermore, as Elena Ramírez (Tejedor, Valcárcel; 1996,127) indicates, the joint use of verbal and iconic codes "... would facilitate the performance of many tasks and the development of certain skills ..." although "... these advantages not only seem to depend on of the codes themselves, but of other elements such as: the content to be communicated, the characteristics of the subjects themselves who would work with the materials, the type of task to be carried out with them, and even previous experience of the subjects in relation to these peculiar forms of representation. "