Reviving the Mammoth
Key Questions, Problems, and/or Issues
Implications and/or Consequences
Points of view from Key Stakeholders
[Describe Motivations & Interests/ Incentives]
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1) Ecological Naivete:
referring to the loss of defensive behaviors and adaptations needed to deal with new predators.
the tendency of many populations of animals living on isolated environments to lose their wariness of potential predators.
2) How to bring back the Mammoth Steppe?
3) Why bring back the Mammoth Steppe?
- change temperatures (e.g. not make global warming)
- make Grasslands instead using Pine forest
- Use DNA to make Mammoth
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A) Scientists:
• pursuit of knowledge
B) Oil Companies:
• soil builder
• take down Trees
C) Russia/Governments:
• preserve species
• tourists/climate longlining chip
D) Civilians:
• food/for (limited)
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- trample Snow
- take down Trees
- packed snow
- soil and -30 degrees instead of 5 degrees
Grasslands > Pine forest
• soil builder
• better Resources for animals
• keep building carbon stores.
• needles useless to animals
• when trees use, carbon released