The Departmental Period
Panama in the 20th century
The Republican Era
The Spanish conquest
Cultural Manifestations and Social Customs
Prehistoric Stages
Aboriginal groups
Location and Geographic Conditions
EXTENSIVE AGRICULTURE (300 BC until the Conquest)
Man lived as a nomad and depends on the fruits that he could collect from wild plants, on fishing, on shells and mammals that he could hunt.
The man continues his evolution and passes to an agriculture of tubers.
Intensive corn agriculture in Panama
(main crop)
Panamanian men occupied large organized rural agricultural villages, which had a high population density.
The first inhabitants settled on the Panamanian isthmus approximately 11,000 years ago.
Se calcula que para la llegada de los
españoles, la población del istmo sería de entre 600 mil hasta un millón de habitantes.
The cultural manifestations and social customs of the pre-Hispanic era in Panama are reflected in the following aspects:
Depopulation: "all the greater part of the people that were from Darien to Nombre de Dios and later crossing there to the South coast, are dead and destroyed"
Colonization: Paleo ecological data collected in lakes and swamps also inform us about the state of the Panamanian environment at the end of the last Ice Age (12,000-8000 BC) when humans colonized the isthmus.
Hunting, fishing and gathering: They also hunted, fished and collected shells, crabs and wild fruits.
Village life: The stone houses were abandoned or used less
Five -bribris (immigrants during the 20th century), ngöbés (guaymíes, "moveres"),
bugles, ("bokotás", "sabaneros"), tiribies ("teribes / térrabas"), and tules ("kuna"),they speak languages that belong to the Chibchense lineage of the Paya-Chibcha edge.
Discovery of the South Sea
The Government of Pedro Arias de Dávila
Misfortunes of Governor Diego de Nicuesa
The First Diocese of Tierra Firme
Foundation of Santa María de la Antigua De Darién
Foundation of the cities of Panama and Name of God
. The Governments of Nueva Andalucía and Castilla de Oro
Arrival of the Spanish in Panama
The Columbian Epic
History has not been able to record with certainty the place of the birth of Christopher Columbus, much less the exact date of birth.
Christopher Columbus arrives on Panamanian shores during his fourth trip, in which he travels from Cabo Gracias a Dios in Honduras to the Isthmus of Panama. But the first of the Spanish colonizers to visit Panamanian lands is the notary public Rodrigo de Bastidas.
In 1508 King FERNANDO the Catholic decided to divide the continental territory between Cabo de la Vela and Cabo Gracias a Dios, into two entities, whose boundary point was the Gulf of Urabá
It was founded by Vasco Núñez de Balboa in
Once the expedition led by COLMENARES reached Nombre de Dios, they found Governor NICUESA in a pitiful state, as a result of hunger, disease, and constant confrontation with the indigenous people.
Balboa undertook the journey from Santa María through the Isthmus of Panama on September 1, 1513
He was the one to prosecute BALBOA, for his proceeding against Bachelor MARTIN FERNANDEZ DE ENCISO and DIEGO DE NICUESA.
In 1511 the first three Latin American episcopal sees are created
Domingo (elevated to the dignity of Archdiocese in 1546)
San Juan of Puerto Rico
Concepcion de la Vega
on the Island of Hispaniola (suppressed in 1528)
The city was founded in 1510 by Diego de Nicuesa as a Spanish colony, calling it Nombre de Dios
Indigenous resistance against the Spanish
The Spanish came into conflict with the indigenous people, led by the chief Quibian, who managed to rise up
the other tribes against the population founded by the east of Santa María de Belén, forcing the colonizers to abandon it
Panama was part of the Spanish empire between 1538 and 1821. In the Hispanic colonies in general, two types of laws were applied: the peninsular (the same applied to Spain, adjacent islands and Africa) and the ultramarine or colonial Firstly, the laws of Castilla y León were applied, since they were the first
sponsors of voyages of discovery.
The spontaneous incorporation of the Panamanian territory to Gran Colombia gives reason to the Executive of that country to issue the decree of February 9, 1822, by which the former General Command was created with "the provinces to which the former General Command was extended under the Spanish government. of Panama, with the limits that had the Department of the Isthmus.
When in November 1903, Panama emerged to independent life, it had
approximately 300,000 inhabitants, not including indigenous peoples. The first official figures come from the Census Bureau in 1911, when the population reached 341,000 inhabitants and the annual income rose to 4 million dollars. The Province of Panama had 103,000 inhabitants, being the most populated in the country and the capital city was home to 70,000 inhabitants..