For my mind map I decided to focus on a specific example of development that involves multistakeholder and multilateral relationships. I chose the Global Food and Nutrition Governance as the topic, but this mind map can relate to any example of multilateral and multistakeholder relationships. I decided to focus on this relationship because mulitstakeholderism, in particular, clearly demonstrates a shift in governance and global partnerships from the conventional multilateral partnerships that have been so prevalent throughout history. From the United Nations to the World Health Organization, history has seen these intergovernmental organizations produce a form of global partnerships between governments around the world. The United Nations, for example, was created in response to the Second World War as a way to maintain peaceful relationships among nations to promote social progress. In comparison to multistakeholder relationships, multilateral relationships seem almost simple. Using the example of Global Food and Nutrition Governance, a multilateral relationship, at the most basic level, would be multiple governments banding together to support nations struggling with nutrition and hunger. Shifting to multistakeholder relationships, one can easily appreciate its complexity. Multistakeholder relationships are different from multilateral relationships because they include non-state actors such as businesses, donors, and non-governmental organizations for example, as shown in the mind map. This inclusion of non-state actors brings a level of complexity because as state actors are largely concerned with the wellbeing of the state and its citizens, a large quantity of non-state actors, businesses in particular, are largely concerned with profit and growth. This is concerning to many due to the intentions between state and non-state actors not always aligning. Throughout the mind map I have included breakdowns of the many sectors that are involved in multistakeholder and multilateral relationships. In these relationships, it is interesting to see the power relationships between the non-state and state actors. In multistakeholder relationships, business possess the capabilities to provide a large amount of funding for the project whereas states provide a large amount of representation and influence for their citizens. In the article by Lie and Granheim (2017), it is sometimes clear to see which partnerships are prioritized. In conclusion, this mind map is aimed at beginning to scratch the surface on the complexity of multistakeholder relationships and provide some insight on the actors involved in multistakeholder and multilateral relationships.