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Unit 2 AC 1.2: Explain the social construction of criminality. - Coggle…
Unit 2 AC 1.2: Explain the social construction of criminality.
Reasons why laws change
Drug Laws
Portuguese case were drugs were legalised in 2001 - criminal to civil offence. 10 personal supply limit. 1930-1975 Portugal ruled by right wing dictator with strict regulation. soon became a democracy and openness which let in drugs. Highest rate of addiction and high rtes of HIV due to neede sharing. Drug regrarded as a publichealth issue asimed at reducing harm, given support rather than prison. By 2018 reduced so much even cannabis now is legally only medicinal and there have been drug use has fallen and deaths now at the lowesy with 4 per milliom. englisn and wales 44 per million.
By 1990s in Portugal 1 in every 100 of population addicted to heroin. Saved 18% of costs too. Issue needed tackling.
Male homosexuality is illegal in 72 countries and in 25 female too. 6 countries it carries the death penalty. some countries such as Russia ban its promotion. Many countries do not allow same sex marriage or same sex couples adpoting.
Homosexuality is legal in UK, Europe and north and south America and Indonesia even with Muslim majority and largest Islamic country
All homosexual acts illegal in 1885 - life prison, 1967 acts between males 21 + legalised in EN & wales. Scot - 1980 & NI 1982. age of consent reduced to 18 1994 and 16 in 2000.
Colonial law also brought homosexuality as a crime in India with its Supreme Court having to rule against the 1861 law in 2018.
Public Opinion - pew research centres show that countries that have religious influence support bans like Egypt with 95%. Others like Russia are not though.
Sexism - assumptions that women may not want or have the same ability to desire in this way
Religion - Christianity, Islam and Judaism have traditionally condemned it. religion having a strong influence in laws are likely to reflect in branding it criminal. Secular societies more generally tolerant.
Campaigns - Homosexual law reform society - leading public figures campaigned for legalisation - stonewalll and Campaign for homosexual equality led to reducing to 16 like everyone else.
Wolfenden report - post-WW2 increase in prosecutions of gay men. well known figures included 1954, 1000 people. Wolfendon considered reform. concluded after evidence from police, psychatisrts religious leaders and gay men themselves private consetual acts should be lagal.
Politicians - Roy jenkins (Home secretary) supported campaign and leglisation gave it in 1967 later in 2010 equality act outlawed any discrimination due to sexual orientation
Human Rights - India changed law because of Supreme Court should not control personal lives. concern with equality and rights were the same for UK
Public Opinion
In the UK jaywalking is not a illegal where as places such as the US and Singapore it is
Gun Laws
Polygamy -
Polygyny - man with wives
Polyandry - woman with husbands
Plogyny legal in 58 countries and polyandry only small amount of scoities (Himilyas). where it is legal mostly muslim majority. In multi-cultural socities in INdia, Malaysia, Phillipines, Singapore and Sri Lanka it is only legal for muslims.
Against the law in most countires even in two islamic countries turkey and tunisia. Bigamy is the crime that breaks monogomous marriage. up to 7 years imprisonment a fine or both.
tradition - some African societies traditionally but has sharp decrease. some African tribes see importance of the role of each other wife.
Religion - Qu'ran permits men to take 4 wives if they can support each on equally, In the US polygamy practised in mormon chirch until 1890 and is still practised illegally by some other groups.