The Indus river valley was the river that created Hinduism. The river flows through the northwest part of India throughout Pakistan. Indus river is referred to Sindhi Sindhu or Mehran. The Indus river created two major civilizations ( the Harapan, and Mohenjo - Daro) These civilizations formed there, because there were rich lands which means successful farming, there was a river so they built canals and irrigated the water to the farming lands, and the monsoons that came to the Indus River Valley aided the growth of agricultural surpluses, which supported the development of cities, such as Harappa. The population came to rely on seasonal monsoons rather than irrigation. The indus river valley civilization contained over 1000 cities, and settlements and all these cities contained contained well-organized wastewater drainage systems, trash collection systems, and possibly even public granaries and baths.