The stimulus is related to the thematic area of "Sharing the planet" and within it to the theme of protecting the planet. In class we have discussed the importance of the conservation of the ecosystem as without it we wouldn’t exist, their resources are really important in our day to day, whether to building cars, to provide us food. More in depth in most English speaking countries and their new technologies there’s being a development to stop using and producing the gases that damage our world, like Elon Musks’ electric cars. Which in my own Spanish culture, electric cars are starting to be introduced in the economy. However, we still have to reduce our use of some toxic waste before there’s no comeback.
Another example in the english speaking conuntries is the movement that Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg had accomplished affecting to all the world, making us see that the global warming is a real problem and we are suffering it already, that is not something far away from us.