個人曾經暴露在真實或威脅性的死亡、嚴重受傷、或真實或威脅性的性暴力,並且至少符合下列一種方式:個人直接經驗此事件、目擊此事件、知悉親近他人受暴力或意外死亡或死亡的威脅、或重複經驗或極端暴露在事件的厭惡細節中。The individual has been exposed to real or threatening death, serious injury, or real or threatening sexual violence, and meets at least one of the following methods: the individual has directly experienced the event, witnessed the event, and knew that someone close to others was subjected to violence or accidental death or death Threats, or repeated experience, or extreme exposure to the aversive details of the incident.