The Benefits of Outdoor Learning on Science Teaching - Michele Grimshaw
My opinions:
How I will implement this in practice:
Mulit-sensory experiences.
Recognising and celebrating different learning styles.
Engages boys.
Connects the wider world to the curriculum.
Hands on, inquiry based learning.
Creative thinking and learning.
Learn with whole bodies.
Less structured environment.
Becoming part of the community.
Bringing parents in
Bringing parents in.
Child led.
Child led.
Wider opportunities - allowed children with mental health issues to have a calm place.
Individual needs.
May want to just play instead of engage in the learning.
Parents may see this as just playing, with their children gaining no other learning opportunities from this.
Provides hands-on experiences.
Brings what they are learning about to life.
Opportunities for self-discovery
Investigate their own beliefs to see if they are true or not.