Seminars, workshops, courses "with curricular value" or even diploma courses, from "continuous training", provide valuable information on new trends in pedagogical matters that are gradually being implemented; however, it continues to be, at times, fragmented and lacks a clear perspective of the contextualized formative event, which makes it not always relevant and pertinent.
In addition, although they are aimed at university teachers, the aspects to be worked on remain, occasionally, in general, which deprives the overcoming of significance and meager systemic and systematic conception, which is flexible, open to various initiatives and makes proposals that favor the self-training and training of practicing teachers.
If the outstanding contributions of the different perspectives already presented are regrouped, the knowledge expressed here, the concepts valued and defined, beyond the term and the meaning that is assumed, which in this case has been that of teaching competencies, allows to characterize the teacher -professional of university education, such as one whose training practice is oriented towards the improvement of the human being and of society, which integrates diverse knowledge with sustainable commitment, as an essential value, in all the activities that characterize their work ; all of which is one of the criteria of the quality and suitability of the performance and professionalization of teachers in current times.