What is the purpose of supervision?
Supervision is a technical and specialized activity whose main purpose is to rationally use the factors that make it possible to carry out work processes: man, raw material, equipment, machinery, tools, money, among other elements that in direct or indirect way.
What is supervised in an educational center?
Educational supervision fulfills various functions such as action planning, educational policy guidance and process evaluation, interpreting this as the work to be performed by the supervisor in improving professional performance towards the achievement of institutional goals.
What should a supervisor do to ensure educational quality and equity among the schools in his zone?
The function of the supervisor is territorialized and to guarantee equity in its territory, it must have a diagnosis that indicates where it stands. Carrying out a diagnosis has to do with discovering where we are standing through some data obtained.
What are the needs for school supervision?
School supervision requires: Knowledge of the situation in which the teaching-learning process occurs. Constant analysis and evaluation. Know how to discern when changes should be made and have the ability to know how to make them.
Capacity and excellence are two terms frequently used in the work of today's globalized world, they represent the emerging requirements of the current educational logic, which has been conquering spaces that, very recently, seemed to be restricted to business management.
In the context of globalization, new scenarios become necessary; Educational organizations cannot be perceived as institutions through which knowledge is transmitted from generation to generation, but rather have a maximum responsibility in the formation of a committed human resource to generate the necessary transformations in order to insert each nation within the framework of proactive countries, with the ability to participate in the competition game.
Under this perspective, it is to be assumed that, to form entrepreneurial human cadres, profound changes must be brought about in educational management, controls must be established to verify the quality of the achievements in the sense that they correspond to the desired level of excellence.