Ideological, organizational, administrative and human aspects in educational centers

Success Centers

Family participation and educational quality

Concept of quality indicators

"School Climate" orderly and safe

“High expectations” on student achievement

“School policy” focused on the achievement of achievements

“Educational leadership” beyond a simple administrator

In social sciences, an ideology is a normative set of collective emotions, ideas and beliefs that are compatible with each other and are especially concerned with human social behavior.

By its collective nature, the concept is rarely restricted to the mindset of an isolated or particular individual.

There are three main ideologies present in the educational field, which are closely linked to the way of understanding the progress of the Society and the well-being of the citizens: the liberal, the pluralist and the egalitarian.

Organizational resources or aspects are the ways in which students are arranged, the teacher is situated, tasks are organized or materials are arranged. We refer to the fundamental resources for the proper functioning of the Physical Education class.

Important aspects to highlight:

  1. Pedagogical criteria for the establishment of schedules.
  2. Composition and functions of the teams and commissions.
  3. Rules of coexistence and truancy.
  4. Substitutions of teaching staff and permits.
  5. Specific aspects of the annual programming.
  6. Welcome plan for foreign students.
  7. Annexes of the school center.

The immediate planning of an educational center requires a series of aspects that affect the correct school organization.

In addition to the main documents such as the PEC, the PGA or the RRI, the members of the educational community need more agile and direct information on organizational sections of the daily work context.

The Human Resource is the staff that works in the educational center, teaching, administrative, and support staff. HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING: In this stage, roles, responsibilities and relationships of the project are identified, documented and assigned.

A "successful school" is, therefore, a school that achieves its educational objectives regardless of the socio-economic or socio-cultural context and the personal characteristics of the students.

A school is a center for academic, moral and physical training. It is important to look for schools with comprehensive education, this has been a global trend in recent years because it encourages the development of different skills in children, in addition to academic knowledge.

"The effective school is, then, the one that achieves the proposed ends with the appropriate means and the quality school is the one that, in addition, proposes socially and humanly relevant ends."

Successful educational actions are understood to be those that are oriented towards social transformation and that contribute to overcoming school failure, such as those that are being carried out in those centers that have been transformed into Learning Communities.

As they point out, the foundations of school success are based on five keys: Personal and social development of the student, making him an “agent of change”. Development of the potential for job success, both for changing environments and for new professions. Development by competencies.

According to, an organization that seeks to help children achieve success through access to education, parental involvement in the educational process refers to both teachers and parents sharing the responsibility of teaching students and work together to achieve educational goals.

Parental involvement in instruction is key to student success.

According to a meta-analysis of more than fifty studies on parental involvement in secondary school, there is a direct connection between students' academic performance and parental involvement in their children's education; Furthermore, the study indicates that the earlier a connection is established between parents and the educational process of their children, a more solid foundation is created for student success.

Advantages of parental involvement

  1. When there is good communication between parents and teachers, absenteeism decreases. According to a report from Johns Hopkins University (JHU), it helps reduce student absences by 24%.
  2. Academic performance increases. According to JHU, aspects such as comprehension and reading fluency improve when there is parental involvement, even more if parents spend time reading with their children, since students know that their parents are watching, they try to improve for them, they are more motivated to learn and improve their grades.
  3. It also helps improve student behavior in the classroom. That parents and teachers have more communication helps students feel more motivated in class, improving their self-esteem and attitude in the classroom.

Disadvantages of parental involvement

Although parental involvement in their children's education does have benefits, it can also have negative connotations. There are several cases where parental involvement is excessive, when parents constantly call or look for teachers to be monitoring the progress of their children, which takes a lot of time from teachers and can damage the self-esteem of both the teacher and the teacher. from the student.

What is Educational Quality?

The quality of the educational system is the quality that results from the integration of the dimensions of pertinence, relevance, internal efficacy, external efficacy, impact, sufficiency, efficiency and equity.

They are a specific set of aspects related to the personal and social development of students, and that are complementary to those considered in the Learning Standards.

The educational quality standards are descriptions of the expected achievements corresponding to the different actors and institutions of the educational system. In this sense, they are public orientations that indicate the educational goals to achieve a quality education.

Classification of Educational Indicators

Examples: enrollment growth rate, access to education, private costs of education, and so on. Product: they measure changes in access, use or satisfaction.

Examples: enrollment rate, dropout, repetition, learning outcomes, etc.

The education sector indicators are divided into four main types:

• Indicators of learning outcomes.
• Indicators of economic and human resources.
• Indicators of access to education, participation and promotion.
• Indicators of pedagogical context and school organization.

What are the factors that determine the quality of education?

Factor 1: Personal and social relevance as the focus of education.
Factor 2: The conviction, esteem and self-esteem of the layers involved.
Factor 3: The ethical and professional strength of teachers.
Factor 5: Teamwork within the school and the educational system.

In a first dimension, quality is understood as "effectiveness": a quality education is one that makes students really learn what they are supposed to learn -what is established in curricular plans and programs-, after certain cycles or levels.

The Other Quality Indicators are academic self-esteem and school motivation, school coexistence climate, citizen participation and training, healthy lifestyle habits, school attendance, gender equity, school retention and technical-professional qualifications.

The school climate is defined as the quality of the school environment experienced by students, teachers and managers, which, based on their perception of the school context, determines their behaviors (Hoy and Miskel, 1996).

According to experts, these points are essential to promote a good school environment.

  1. Foster respect

    The psychologist Charles Yáñez assures that promoting respect in the classroom - not only from student to teacher, but also vice versa - is the key to achieving a good environment in institutions and a comprehensive training of students.

  2. Give importance to students and acknowledge their problems

    Dr. Astrid Triana affirms that it is essential that teachers recognize that their students are people who feel and have problems, and must be willing to listen to them and help them resolve doubts and problems.

  3. Involve parents

    According to studies, the accompaniment of parents to their children is vital. They need to know the fears, be able to recognize strange behaviors in children and know about the dangers to which they may be exposed.

School coexistence is a fundamental element in a satisfactory and productive school process. This premise constitutes the foundation of a set of political, legislative and programmatic initiatives deployed in Chile by different governments since the 90s of the last century, implicitly recognizing the role that this plays in the management of students' knowledge.

The development of the concept of school climate (Mena and Valdés, 2008) has as a precedent the concept of «organizational climate», resulting from the study of organizations in the workplace, starting in the late 1960s (Tagiuri & Litwin, 1968; Schneider, 1975).

This has been called "school climate" and has been defined as the perception and sensation that an individual has from their experiences in the school system.

It is related to the retention power (students and teachers), degree of satisfaction and quality of education (Arón and Milicic, 2004), which would favor teaching and learning in the educational community.

High expectations are what children and youth hope to achieve for themselves in the future. Therefore, raising expectations is believed to be an effective way to motivate students to work harder to achieve the steps necessary for later success.

What are the expectations of a student?

The educational expectations of students refer to the highest educational level they believe they will achieve in the future. These expectations are not only influenced by an analysis of personal abilities and interests, but also by the family and school environment in which students operate.

How to create high expectations?

Actions that demonstrate that a teacher places high expectations on students

  1. Name it often.
  2. Ask challenging questions.
  3. Require rigor and detail in the answers to obtain an award.
  4. Give them enough time to respond.
  5. Demand that you turn in your homework on time.
  6. Compliment him when he does something right.

The Pygmalion effect is the phenomenon whereby high expectations lead to an increase in performance. Robert Rosenthal defined the Pygmalion effect as the phenomenon by which the expectation that a person has in the behavior of another person comes to function as a self-fulfilling prophecy.

How do our expectations influence the results of our students?

Expectations condition and can determine interpersonal relationships between students and teachers. To the extent that the student accommodates his behavior to the teacher's expectations, the concept he has of himself changes, thus encouraging his behavior to respond to his thoughts and ideas.

Certain intervention strategies have been used to raise expectations in three major areas:

  1. Interventions focused on parents and families;
  2. Interventions focused on teaching practice;
  3. Interventions outside of school or extracurricular activities, sometimes involving peers and tutors.

The approaches used for these interventions are diverse. Some aim to modify expectations directly by exposing children to new opportunities, while others seek to improve expectations by developing self-esteem, motivation, or self-efficacy.

For interventions that focus on self-efficacy and motivation specifically in learning contexts, see Metacognition and Self-Regulation.

Educational policies are all those laws imposed by the state to ensure that education is optimally applied to society. These laws are forged according to the historical needs of the country in which they are promoted, that is, according to its ideals and principles.

Educational policies are actions that take place in an educational system, so it is convenient to begin by noting that this is understood by the set of institutions whose purpose is to prepare children and adolescents for adult life.

What are educational policies looking for?

Educational policies are courses of action through which it is intended to promote certain programs and initiatives, in order to solve specific problems of education.

What is the importance of educational policy?

Educational policies set the main guidelines that govern the educational system of a country, and for this reason they have a significant impact on the work of schools, their management teams and their teachers.

What is the role of educational policy?

Education policies, in short, establish guidelines for action and create legal frameworks at the level of education. They involve laws, resolutions and regulations that determine the pedagogical doctrine of the nation and set its objectives.

What is required for the implementation of an educational policy?

At the base should be policies aimed at improving teaching and learning, plans and programs, teaching skills, leadership and commitment. Ensuring the agreement of all the actors involved is also very important.

What is the purpose of educational policy?

Reduce the gap in access to education for young people and adults with school behind. Increase the quality of student learning with an equity focus. Increase the quality of school management. Increase the capacities and quality performance of human talent specialized in education.

“Educational leadership is one that influences others to do things that are expected to improve student learning outcomes” (Robinson, Hohepa, & Lloyd, 2009, p.70).

In this way, the educational leadership manages to convene the school community in a common improvement project, which implies that all the actors endorse the objective that students learn and manages to guide the alignment of financial and human pedagogical resources in favor of that shared goal.

Teaching and institutional leadership is the consequence of personal leadership exercised every day, it is not a quality that is acquired overnight, but requires a daily cultivation of all those qualities that make up that personality of a leader.

Importance of leadership in educational processes

Leadership in the main actors and directors of the educational process is undoubtedly an essential aspect and must be present at all levels of the organizational structures, thus guaranteeing optimal functioning and logically more significant results.

Their presence allows all activities, programs, and planning at each organizational scale or instance to be effectively developed and implemented.

Leadership is one of the most important variables that influence school results and without a doubt that exercised by the teacher plays an important role in educational processes and according to Garza (2005) it is based on three pillars: closely related to values, these are:

The values ​​for competitiveness, such as dedication, attachment to work, responsibility and order.

Social values, such as respect, tolerance, generosity and teamwork.

Ethical values, such as honesty, consistency, and responsibility.

School leadership has become a priority in educational policy programs internationally.

  • “Attention through vision, leaders are the most results-oriented people, and results attract attention. Their visions or intentions command respect and draw people to them. Furthermore, leadership is a transaction between leaders and followers; the one could not exist without the other. "

  • "Seen through communication, success requires the ability to project the compelling image of a desired state of affairs, the image of the kind of image that produces enthusiasm and a sense of commitment to others, is inseparable from effective leadership."