Began in 1453 with the Fall of Constantinople
Ended with the French Revolution in 1789 :
Many important social, economic, political and cultural changes were already taking place
Following the economic crisis and catastrophes that occurred at the end of the Middle Ages, European societies began to experience a recovery
1. Increased agricultural production
2.Intensified commercial activity
3.The expansion of craftsmanship
No technological advances
Three-field system
It consists on dividing the area of cultivated land into three sections and rotating the crops each year. One section was left fallowfor the land to rest and recover its nutrients.
Main economic activity: agriculture and livestock farming
The increase in agricultural production resulted in a excess of production
Excess of products were sold in the city markets
Merchants or traders establishing trade routes over land and sea that connected distant places.
Products were made in workshops
Associations of craftsmen
4. Domestic system
Merchants provided the families with the tools and raw materials to make the products.
New products were brought to Europe
5. The development of mercantile capitalism
Economic system in which capital belonged to private owners, members of the bourgeoisie
Capital: money, raw materials, tools, workshops...
6. Development of banking
Providing loans: The bankers lent money in exchange for returning the amount of money and a plus or "interest"
Bill of exchange: It was a document which guaranteed that the banker would pay a another authorised person a quantity of money. (It was unsafe to travel with a lot of money)
As well as the rural society that developed in the Middle Ages, an urban society developed.
Social classes
1-High and Priviledged class
Nobility and clergy
Minority, but owned most of the land
the only ones who had access to high political positions
- They were judged by special tribunals
3.They live in castles and palaces
1.They didn´t pay taxes
2-Unprivileged class(commoners)
They paid numerous taxes and did not have access to high political positions
They were serfs of the feudal lord
The nobles left them the lands and they had to pay them rent or a part of their harvest
Many of them went to the cities where they had more freedom
They were not ruled by a feudal lord.
Divided in...
Upper bourgeoisie
Petite bourgeoisie
Were important merchants, bankers and officials
Were small merchants, less important officials, artisans, artists, servants, labourers...
With the city nobles, they formed the ruling class, the most powerful and influential group.
3-Marginalised social class
Beggar and vagabonds
they lived on charity
Some social groups protested for their rights.