Macbeth Revision.







The Three Witches.

Lady Macbeth.



King Duncan.




Lady Macduff.

Macduff's child.

The 2 Murderers.

Banquos ghost.






Old Man.




King Duncan's castle.


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Macbeth's castle (Inverness castle).

Main events.

The Feast (the one with Banquo's ghost).

Banquo is murdered and Fleance escapes.

Macbeth and Banquo go to Duncans castle.

Macbeth is killed at the end.

The Three Witches meet Macbeth (with Banquo this time) (1st time).

The Three Witches meet Macbeth (by himself this time) (2nd time).

Are told prophecies.

See's 3 ghostly apparitions.

Macbeth will become Thane of Cawdor.

Macbeth will be King hereafter.

Banquo will not be as happy, yet much happier (refers to him being innocent and him knowing that his son will become king).

Macbeth is given the title "Thane of Cawdor" after this encounter, which makes Macbeth become obsessed with these prophecies, while Banquo is wary, both wonder if this encounter was an illusion and a figment of the imagination or not.

Both are greeted by the king, but Banquo isn't given a title or a hug (like Macbeth), but he is given respect by Duncan, and Duncan treats him as a loyal servant, like Macbeth.

Duncan announces that Malcolm will be the next heir to the Scottish Throne, and that he will be the next King.

Macbeth then talks in a soliloquy about how this is a hurdle (obstacle) that he must jump over or

Macduff was born from a c-section (cesarean section), therefore he is able to kill Macbeth.

At this moment Macbeth believes that the wishes have betrayed him as they have tricked him into thinking that he was invincible.

The other people at the table believe that the king isn't feeling alright, or isn't feeling well (Macbeth has been crowned king by now and has already murdered the previous King, Duncan), but Lady Macbeth reassures the men that the king is alright and that they should stay. However Macbeth continues to shout at the ghost and Lady Macbeth says to the men that they should leave as their king is feeling unwell.

Banquos Ghost could represent the guilt that Macbeth is feeling as it shows who used to be his best friend, all bloodied up and in a way that makes him look like he is just a gory mass as he covered with blood. Furthermore, this is shown as Macbeth at first wonders if this is some cruel joke pointed/aimed at him, he then continues to show that he feels sorry about what has happened to his old friend, which shows his grief and sorrow.

Macbeth believes that someone else is sitting in his seat (he is the only one who can see the Ghost of Banquo).

Fleance escapes as the torch was struck out, so he slipped away from the murderers in the darkness of the night.

Banquo is shown to know who had killed him, although he does not say directly who it is, he figures it out as there was only one person apart from his son it seems, that knew where they were going, which was Macbeth. He also shouts insults as he dies as he knows his old friend, his best friend, has betrayed him for his greed and his own beneficial gain.

Banquo is murdered as the torch he held was struck out so it was dark, and then he was repeatedly stabbed, but he told Fleance to run, and he also says to Fleance "Thou may 'st revenge". This is Banquo essentially saying to Fleance that he can take revenge on the person/people that had killed him (,which is Macbeth in this case).

Act 4.

Act 5.

Act 3.

Act 2.

Act 1.

Scene 2.

Scene 3.

Scene 1.

Scene 4.

Scene 6.

Scene 7.

Scene 5.

Scene 1.

Scene 3.

Scene 4.

Scene 2.

Scene 1.

Scene 2.

Scene 3.

Scene 4.

Scene 5.

Scene 6.

Scene 2.

Scene 3.

Scene 1.

Scene 4.

Scene 5.

Scene 3.

Scene 6.

Scene 2.

Scene 7.

Scene 1.

Scene 8.