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300/350 Conceptual Framework, Mirrors, Windows, and Sliding Glass Doors -…
300/350 Conceptual Framework
Images of a Classroom
Feel (emotional, tactile), Sound, Visual
How I want my Classroom to be
Sound: loud and quiet, there are appropriate times for both and sometimes an in-between
Feel: clean, soft, hard, rough, smooth, dimension, squishy, bumpy
Visual: neutral tones but still colorful, organized, aesthetically pleasing.
Feel Emotional: validating, happy, caring, accepting, I want me students to know that this is a safe space to express how they are really feeling.
Diversity of a Classroom
Books, movies, posters, games, classroom visuals
If it is difficult to find inclusive and representative covers for any of these items, create your own.
In EDEL 244 we created our own game board covers because many game boards don't have much representation or inclusion
Cultural holidays and celebrations in the classroom
Invite students to share their cultural holidays and celebrations with their classmates (if they are comfortable doing so)
In a perfect, non covid world, students could have parents come in to teach about their cultural celebrations as well
Danger of a Single Story
can create stereotypes, makes it easy to make assumptions
Culturally Responsive
Culturally specific traits
Communication style, response style, processing style. social interaction
Recognize your own personal biases, set high expectations, develop positive relationships, learn about student cultures, incorporate culture into the classroom, empower students
Interactive Read Alouds
Involve lots of discussion, questions, and input
Designed to make students think and participate more than they would being read to
Model thinking outloud as the story progresses
Should engage all students
Early Literacy
Phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension
Creating an interest
active participation in literacy activities
Authentic experiences
literacy play centers
writing centers
Components of Literacy
Listening, Reading, Viewing
Speaking, Writing, Visually Representing
Literacy Assessment
Observations, interests, checklists, records, student work examples. rubrics, confrences
Running Records: Listening to a student read and record to determine reading level and accuracy
Assessment = guides istruction
Miscue analysis: determines which strategies readers use and which you need to teach
Classroom Management
Classroom layout
Student desks are in 2 U shapes facing one another - I like this for collaboration
Reading corner will have many seating options, genres of books, representation in the stories, have a calming energy.
Teacher's desk at the front of the room so I can see everything that is going on in the room.
Layout plays a big role in classroom management
Routines and Procedures
Should be clear and defined. No grey area.
Presented clearly in the room where students can see them.
Should be practiced often.
Culturally responsive
very little to do with discipline
promote responsibility among students
be aware of culturally specific traits but do not stereotype
Community Building Activities
A great way to learn about your students while they also learn about you
I think these activities are an effective way to learn about individual students' backgrounds, cultures, identities, etc. Knowing this information will help me create a culturally inclusive classroom.
Self Portrait Collage: Students cut and glue pictures that represent thmselves and glue them inside the head.
Total Participation Techniques
TPT Kits
Have already prepared to use in one area where you can easily access them.
Multiple options such as classroom ready tpt, on the spot tpt, movement tpt, hold up opt, etc.
How can you get everyone involved?
Fosters environment for purposeful discussion and movement
Teaching 1
IRA: The Pumpkin Book
I thought the book was really informative because it included the growth cycle, but also how pumpkins are used in different holidays, some students had already read the book so they were excited
What went well: I was well organized with post its placed on the pages that I was asking questions and facilitating discussion
What Could have been improved: I should have explained the 3 threes in a row worksheet better, because they seemed confused. Also, navigating student stories because this teaching also took way too long.
Teaching 2
Base Blocks Addition
Out of all the activities we did, I believe this was my weakest one because it really highlighted my lack of management skills.
What went well: The students were excited to make a base block creation and receiving stickers.
What needed improvement: Management, management, management.
Community Building activity
I thought our CBA was super cute!
What went well: Students were excited to create theirs, students were verbally explaining why they chose some of the pictures to cut out
What could have been improved: It was a little choactic because of the amount of materials that were out, my timing - I took way too long to do this
Emergency Procedures
Use student - friendly language that won't scare them
Use tools and resources such as books to help teach your class about certain routines and procedures
Practice practice practice!
Have emergency procedures for various situations posted in the classroom
I liked the book that we read that explained to young students what to do in an emergency situation. Sometimes it's hard to explain such scary circumstances to kids and knowing that there are various resources for me to use makes me feel better.
Learning to Read vs. Reading to Learn
Should happen simutaneously
Students are traditionally "learning to read" from K-3, but students should continue "learning how to read" beyond that.
Thoughts: I never considered that these two things could happen at the same time. It just made sense in my head that when you're reading you're doing one or the other. Most likely because when I thought of "Learning to Read" I thought of that as being learning new words and pronouncing them correctly. I didn't think about the mechanics within reading that are like extra layers that get added on top of word memorization.
Windows, Mirrors, Sliding Glass Doors
Windows: Looking in and seeing something unfamiliar and different
Mirrors: Seeing yourself or an experience reflected/represented in a story
Sliding Glass Door: Being able to put yourself in a characters shoes and thinking about how it would feel to be them in their situation
I like using these tools in my mind while reading a book or story because it makes me pay more attention to the story and think of it in a deeper way than I would normally if I wasn't looking for these specific aspects
Black Ants
I like how we not only read the story, but also did group work to dive deeper into the meaning of the story.
A great example on how to use real life classroom situations and teach a life lesson.
Reminds us that teachers teach more than just math, English, etc.
Ms. Orman - 3rd grade
Community Building Activity: beach ball with questions and "I Wish My Teacher Knew" cards
I was with the Bach ball activity group and we would toss the ball back and forth and pick a question that one of our thumbs landed on.
The students really liked it because they got to tell us about themselves more but also learned about each other at the same time.
I think the activity was successful. If I were to do it again, I think I would have just had the questions written on the ball in a more organized way.
Unit: Math - Fractions
Lesson 1: High Ability group (Equivalent fractions)
Working with the high ability group was fun! I like having small groups, it's less stressful for me to manage.
We played a card matching game where they had to match equivalent fractions to one another. I think this activity went really well and they were into it and having fun.
Since I was working with the above grade level group, it was interesting to see what their thought processes were and how they went about solving problems.
Lesson 2: Below grade level group (Adding fractions with common denominators)
We played a bump it game where they were in pairs working on the same board but still competing. They LOVED this! It was so much fun.
Going from working with the above grade level group to the below grade level group in the same week was very eye opening. It was quite a switch going from group to group but I liked it because I got to see two completely different groups.
Lesson 3: At Grade Level Group (Subtracting fractions with common denominators)
We did a fraction worksheet and also a card game in pairs. The card game had each partner put down card, and whoever put down the largest fraction got to keep both cards.
The worksheet was quick and the card game went okay. Some pairs of kids really liked it and even made up a new fraction game to play, some groups really weren't a fan. and some groups were in-between.
With this being a larger group, it was a test to my classroom/behavior management. I feel that I did a good job about stating the rules and making sure I kept the lesson going in the right direction.
Unit: Area and Perimeter
Lesson 4: At grade level group (Perimeter)
Perimeter People
The students LOVED making their people. They got creative and added to them by making perimeter pets and accessories.
I think this teaching was my best one yet in terms of management. I felt the most confident that I have felt so far with my teaching abilities.
If I did this activity again, I would provide each student with a black marker to make it easier to see the lines they made. Some of the students were struggling to see the lines they had drawn.
Lesson 5: Above grade level group (Area)
Masking Tape Composite Shapes
Having the above grade level group is so fun because they think so outside the box and get creative.
Even though there is only 3 of them, this group is sometimes harder to get a handle on because they each want to tell you so many stories. I think I did a good job of being ale to listen to what they wanted to tell me, but also keep everyone on track with what they were supposed to be doing.
If I did this activity again I think I would have two different colors of tape. One to make the outline of the composite shape, and another to help break that shape up into smaller ones. There were a few times where they were confused on where to measure and what they had already measured.
Lesson 6: Below/At grade level group (Perimeter and Area)
Dream House
I think this was my favorite lesson so far! All the kids had so much fun choosing what rooms they wanted to incorporate into their house.
This group was a little more difficult to manage because some of the boys kept distracting each other. Overall, I think I did a good job keeping everyone on track the best I could.
If I did this lesson again I would bring black markers for everyone, because it was hard for them to see their rooms outlines on the grid paper.
Final Assessment
Around the World (Spies)
This was out first time teaching to the whole class together. While it made it easier for us not to have to move groups around, I think it made it harder to give directions because it was noisier.
The assessment went well but it was a little chaotic. The students struggled a little more than I personally anticipated, but they seemed to still enjoy the game.
If I did this assessment again, I would pre-number all of the student work boxes to avoid confusion about which problem they should be doing. I would also have the pink questions on one side of the room and the blue on the other so they would be a little easier to find.
Classroom Management
Confidence is key!!!
Routines and procedures are practiced often enough that instructions don't need to be given every time.
There needs to be a procedure for just about everything. Even the little things you wouldn't think of.
Mirrors, Windows, and Sliding Glass Doors