How has various topics and current events impacted the business world and our society?

Housing in China

Key Questions, Problems, and/or Issues

Implications and/or Consequences

Points of view from Key Stakeholders

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A) Government: The Chinese government acknowledges the rental market's economic potential as well as its social importance. And while the majority of Chinese governments have taken matters into their own hands by purchasing houses and converting them to public housing, a small number of local governments are picking up thousands of unoccupied homes at steep discounts and reselling them to the country's poorest residents.

B) Residentials: Almost all wage earners would struggle to buy a home with their earnings, which is causing more young Chinese who wish to stay in the big cities to realize that they will be unable to do so. Even as China's middle class expands, the cost of housing has increased in comparison to disposable income. Compounding the problem, not only are house prices rising to unaffordable levels, but greater down payments are also being demanded, as are mortgage interest rates, making home ownership a distant dream for the average Chinese millennial.

C) Property Developers: A property developer is on the verge of bankruptcy, burdened by a massive debt load and billions of dollars in real estate that isn't selling as swiftly or profitably as expected.

The Chinese economy is now being weighed down by a long-term housing slump. More than overinvestment, ghost cities proved to be a disastrous investment. The future of housing values in China is more difficult to predict. If they fall significantly or for an extended period of time for the first time, expect considerably more serious challenges for banks and customers as negative wealth effects expand throughout the urban population. Inclusion, due to the housing prices, decline are expected to restricting building activity resulting in even more downturn economic growth.

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1) Is there a housing crisis in China?

2) What is happening in China real estate market?

3) How did China end up with all this empty real estates?

Inside the Metaverse

Key Questions



Africa, the Next China?

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What is the point of the metaverse?

Is metaverse possible?

How will metaverse benefit the world?

Users/ participants

Technology companies

Meta, the new Facebook

Privacy and data risks

Generate addiction

Negative impact on mental health

Key Questions



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African workers/ employees: Half of Africa's population lives in poverty, deprived of fundamental human rights such as food, clean water, shelter, and education. A powerful industrial sector will ensure that Africa can provide jobs for its inhabitants and reduce poverty. Africa's fastest-growing sectors include agriculture, which accounts for a significant portion of the country's economy, infrastructure, and abundant resources such as oil and gas. African workers will have more job possibilities as Africa evolves into China, doubling and boosting Africa's economic success. When this happens, it may assist Africans to get the basic human needs for their fulfillments and desires as a result. When the economy and industry improve as the population grows and Africa evolves to the new China, jobs will most likely appear and give better employment to the civilian of Africa.

African government officials: Africa's government leaders will prosper as the continent develops into the new China. They can increase investment across countries and take advantage of new developments and civilians within the expanding country. They will have to develop more workout routines in order for the country to keep up with technological improvements such as providing public services and security defense.

Foreign buyers: As the continent improves, new commercial partners are expected to emerge. From the west to the south of Africa, vast amounts of natural resources are found within the continent's interior. Africa's natural resources, which include land, oil, gas, and minerals, will attract and persuade global buyers. This will play a crucial part in the future economy, as the economy will require more financial resources as the population grows.

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What will happen to Africa’s resources once it turns into the next China?

How long will it take for Africa, as a whole continent to evolve to the new China?

How will China influence the developments of Africa?

There are negative and positive implications about China influencing Africa’s development. The benefits of China being one of the trade partners of Africa were a major factor in the continent's rapid economic growth. Increased Chinese demand for African goods improved the continent's terms of trade, giving governments greater financial resources. It allows African countries to diversify their foreign trading and become less reliant on trade with the United States. Africa's overall world trade increased as imports from China increased, implying that their trade creation surpassed the barriers. But the African countries, on the other hand, face issues as a result of this trading. Imports of Chinese-made goods have the potential to displace local employees and businesses. This suggests that Chinese exports to Africa maybe squeeze out exports from Africa's more developed economies. Also, Africa's large investment needs can't be addressed by the continent's small domestic capital markets. But, African countries benefit from Chinese investments in technology. Chinese investments in African infrastructure, such as airports, ports and trains help to boost the continent's total productivity.

How has various topics and current events impacted the business world and our society?

Growing Metal in Plants

Points of view from Key Stakeholders

Key Questions, Problems, and/or Issues

Implications and/or Consequences

How can we benefit off of the soil after growing the metal plants?

Will we be able to completely replace regular mining with agromining in the future?

How much metal can agromining produce? Can it produce the same amounts as regular mining?

A) Farmers - Metal farming can be profitable for countries with a large agricultural sector. Hyperaccumator plants harvest metals from the soil using a process called phytomining, and agromining is a type of phytomining. Agromining would be used to target huge, relatively flat ultramafic areas with low agricultural productivity. They can benefit off of the metal growing plants’ lands since agromining rehabilitate the land by absorbing all the toxins(metals) from the land. Argomining would be more preferable compared to traditional agricultural production since it would provide Farners with larger financial return. Agromining doesn’t require much expense and it doesn't need much materials to start the whole process of metal farming which is also very beneficial for farmers who need a start.

B) Environment- Growing metals in plants would be more beneficial due to the many negative effects of mining on the environment, such as soil erosion and pollution. Mining can pollute the air, injure wildlife, and irreversibly alter the natural environment; however, if we move to agromining, pollutants will be decreased, and hyperaccumulators plants will aid in soil detoxification. It acts like a fertilizer to help remove the toxins from the land and make it more suitable for agriculture.

Companies that sells metal items- Agromining may have an influence on businesses because it takes a long time to grow and we may not be able to extract larger amounts of metal than traditional mining at first. This delayed metal manufacturing could be a challenge to many metal companies, as it affects the amount of consumer demands, forcing consumers to hunt for better alternatives. Furthermore, when the quantity of demands declines, pricing may become difficult to determine, potentially resulting in bankruptcy.

Agromining is a great way to improve the environment and drastically reduce climate change if done correctly. It is a tool for rehabilitation since it absorbs huge amounts of metal from the contaminated land and fertilizes it as well to make it suitable for agriculture. By completely switching or partially replacing regular mining with agromining we can reduce all the damage done by regular mining like global warming, loss of biodiversity, water and soil contamination, air pollution, deforestation, destruction of landscapes, soil erosion, greenhouse gas emissions, and sinkholes. Agromining is also a sustainable resource of metal that doesn't cause the environment any damage. However, growing metal in plants can have many disadvantages as well: it might take so much time to grow or the plants may not be able to produce quantities huge enough to replace regular mining. These disadvantages might act as an obstacle while trying to convince people and business to switch to and invest in agromining.