Difficult vocabulary words
U1, Advertising
U2, Customer Service
U3, Shipping
U4, Finance
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U5, Sales and Market Research
Neon sign
(n.) the different colours being obtained by adding different noble gases to the neon.
Recently,a lot of stores like to use neon sign to decorate the environment.
(v.) to make a public statement of your approval or support for something or someone
The Council is expected to endorse the committee's recommendations.
(v.) to try to persuade someone to do something
She pitched her idea to me over a business lunch.
(n.) The idea of something that will or might happen in the future.
I'm very excited at the prospect of seeing her again.
(adj.) Detailed and careful.
They did a thorough search of the area but found nothing.
(v.) to send something in the same envelope or parcel as something else
Please enclose a curriculum vitae with your application.
(adj.) Not made or working correctly.
However, the growth cycle of the uncovered mice is defective.
(v.) to reveal; to make known.
The company has disclosed profits of over £200 million.
(adj.) Exactly the same as another
I've got three identical blue suits.
(adj.) Easy to see or notice
New books are displayed in a prominent position on tables at the front of the store.
(v.) to officially tell someone the value of goods you have bought, or the amount of money you have earned because you might have to pay tax
You have to declare any earnings over a certain amount.
(n.) large size or mass
The office buys paper in bulk to keep down costs.
(n.) An official limit on the number or amount of people or things that are allowed .
The country now has a quota on immigration.
(n.) A source of information against which something can be checked.
He made the whole speech without reference to the notes in front of him.
(n.) An amount of money that must be paid in addition to the regular price.
A surcharge may be made for deliveries outside normal hours.
Net worth
(v.) to increase in number or amount over a period of time
Interest will accrue on the account at a rate of seven percent.
(adj.) Not having enough money
I'd love to come to Hawaii with you, but I'm a little strapped.
(n.) Total amount of money a person or company has.
He has a net worth of about £70 million.
(n.) The list of employees and how much each is paid.
The company is growing fast, adding another 100 employees to its payroll over the last year.
(adj.) Able to make money.
Over the years it has developed into a highly profitable business.
(n.) A list of questions that several people are asked so that information can be collected about something
Visitors to the country have been asked to fill in a detailed questionnaire.
(adj.) Existing as a physical building, especially a shop, rather than doing business only on the internet
I prefer to go to brick-and-mortar bookstores.
(n.) Experiencing something.
You should always limit your exposure to the sun.
(n.) Total control of a service or product.
Is Microsoft a monopoly?
(n.) Something that makes someone want to make a greater effort.
Bonus payments provide an incentive to work harder.