8.1 Conservation
Describe how biodiversity may be considered at different levels e.g. habitat, species and genetic.
Explain how sampling is used in measuring the biodiversity of a habitat and the importance of sampling, to include random sampling and non-random sampling.
Describe the use and interpretation of Simpson’s Index of Diversity (D) to calculate
the biodiversity of a habitat using the formula:
Describe how to measure species richness and species evenness in a habitat.
Describe how ecosystems, are dynamic and are influenced by both biotic and abiotic factors,
Explain the factors that determine size of a population, including the significance of limiting factors in determining the carrying capacity of a given environment and the impact of these factors on final population size
Describe interactions between populations To include predator–prey relationships considering the effects on both predator and prey populations and interspecific and intraspecific competition
Describe and explain how genetic biodiversity may be assessed, including calculations of genetic diversity within
isolated populations.
Analyse data using the Spearman's rank coefficient