Information engineering (IE)
Telecommunications engineering (Process automation)
Manage and administer information management systems
It has a future because currently companies work with much more data that have to be protected by an engineer in this career
National University of Engineering (UNI)
Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (UPC)
The carrare lasts 4 years
Currently a graduate can earn S / 2158
The branch of engineering in charge of supervising the transmission, execution and reception of signals
The person in charge of designing and creating different distance communication networks
because it has a future
It is a profitable business niche at the public and private level
Earn on average S / 2376
Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP)
National University of Engineering (UNI)
Digital marketing
It is a career in charge of promoting products or services through the new media
social networks
I have a future
because today most sales are made through the internet
It is on the rise, it is relatively new and will be in high demand in the future
Biometric engineer (BIometric)
A branch of engineering in charge of maintaining and reviewing machinery related to medicine
important when making prosthetics that can improve people's lives
because it has a future
Currently life expectancy continues to increase and people's quality of life continues to grow, so improving people's health through prosthetics is in greater demand every day.
UX Designer
Graphic design
The person in charge of creating images or logos that convey a unique message according to the personality of a person or company
Why is it a career in the future?
Logos play an important factor in marketing, in the future both companies and influencers will want a unique logo
Labor field
The graduate in Graphic Design may work in public and private companies, specialized in marketing, communications, advertising, audiovisuals, among others.
Design Studies
Advertising Agency, Digital, BTL and OTL
Marketing and Social Media Areas
Newspapers, print and digital magazines
TV channels
Corporate Image Companies
E-learning companies, own or Freelance
They study the concepts and processes on which the functioning of living beings is based and from this knowledge be able to develop the necessary tools
develop new products
improve plants and animals
obtain microorganisms with specific uses
Why is it a career in the future?
It is a fairly complete career that has a multidisciplinary approach that can be applied in different areas
among the most common
the industry
Improves health and in turn reduces hunger
Increases flexibility in the form of crops
Helps reduce environmental pollution
Specialized labor
Information Systems Administrators
configure and maintain an organization's local area network (LAN), expanded area network (WAN), an Internet system, or a segment of a network system
labor field
Process automation
With the advancement of technology, companies seek to invest the least time of workers in these processes
For this reason, it is important to design processes or workflows in order to use the capacity of the systems to carry out certain tasks.
labor field
Design and carry out the process of creating prostheses or machinery that leads to improving the state of health of a person
Future work
Social Media Manager
He is in charge of creating the digital marketing plan for a brand or product
Among its functions is to constantly make a deep analysis of the results to be able to alter the marketing plan when necessary.
Un diseñador de UX es aquel que diseña plataformas y productos digitales para satisfacer las necesidades del usuario con la mejor experiencia posible.
Skills of a UX Designer
create experiences that meet customer needs
instead of
The creativity
the ability to listen
specialization of a UX Designer
UX Researcher
is responsible for analyzing users and helping to understand them
wondering who they are
analyzing their behaviors and focusing on their needs through interviews, surveys and research