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P2 - Questions you have about ANY character from Kindred! - Coggle Diagram
P2 - Questions you have about ANY character from Kindred!
why did rufus act how he did near the end of the book? ex: making dana work in the fields and forcing her to work or she would get whipped by the person that he sent
ashlynne: why did rufus change so much when his dad died?
What were the exact people who ruined Rufus's personality? Was it his parental neglect, the time period he grew up in, or a mix of it all that culminated in his actions? -WIll
Do we think Rufus knew that what he was doing was wrong? -Macey
When did Rufus stop listening to Dana and decided that her opinion didn't matter? -Chloe
What were Rufus's final thoughts at the end of the book? Ex: What did he think when he first saw Alice dead, what did he think about his mistakes? What did he internally think about Dana in those very very final moments. Was he going to say something? Apologize? -Will
If Rufus thought that Dana was like Alice and reminded him of her then why would he torture Dana towards the end of the book if he saw her that way? (Ruby)
Did Rufus regret "selling" Alice's kids? -Alex K
what do you think rufas would have done if Alice would have ran away sooner-David
Do you think Rufus would actually have killed himself if Dana hadn't returned, or was she called back at just
thought of him wanting to die? - Kathryn
Did Luke ever regret being defiant to Tom which led to him being sold away from his family? -Chloe
Did Luke care for Rufus more than Tom? - Chloe
did luke truly care a lot about rufus? - ashlynne
How does Sarah view Alice? Does she see similarities between herself and Alice because they both got their children sold? (Even though Alice's children being sold was just a lie) And how did Sarah not give up even after her 2 children and husband were sold? Jimin
What does Sahra do after nigel burns the plantation after Rufus dies? Does she commit suicide too b/c her family is gone? Did she die in the fire, did she go with her family?-Ari
What happened to Sarah and her wilingness to do anything asked of her after her shildren were sold? -Alex K
What happened in Baltimore that led to Margaret's disposition changing so much? Was it a matter of time or the people she was staying with? Did losing Tom affect her greatly? What are her thoughts on how Rufus turned out, now that he is an adult? Have Margaret's views on slavery greatly changed? Did losing the twins effect how she acted when she first met Dana? - KR
why did margaret change? what really made her change as a person and be so kind to Dana?-nalanie
How bad was Margaret's mental state in Baltimore that cuased her to chage so much? -Alex K
Bella: What happened in Baltimore that caused Margaret to start being nicer to Dana?
did something happen in baltimore that when margaret got back, it led her to be so nice to dana instead of how rudely she had treated her before? - ashlynne
Did Margaret go insane for her to be nicer to Dana or did something change her in Baltimore? Danny
How did Alice's failed running away attempt eventually lead to her death?- Kathryn
why didnt alice run away far sooner? why didnt Alice stand against rufus from before it got to late? why did Alice make the good of what was happening to her instead of standing up against Rufus?-nalanie
If Alice were to run away again would Rufus have actually sold her kids? Danny
in those final seconds of alice's life when she hung herself do you think she thought she made a mistake.--David
Was Alice scared when she tried to run away again with both of her children?- Nikita
Did Alice have a concrete plan for where she planned to go with her children or was she just hoping to go anywhere but the Weylin plantation? - Kathryn
did alice ever enjoy being around rufus? ex: people in the book would say that she was starting to enjoy how things were with rufus and that's why she ran away - ashlynne
Did Alice ever have the slightest though of warming up to Kevin? Such as when her kids became free? Or did she always hate intention of being with Rufus and therefore never warmed to the thought of them being together?
Do you think that Alice believed that her suicide would change how things worked on the plantation (maybe that it would move something in Rufus and have him treat the slaves or the women better?), or was she just trying to get herself out? Did she consider how her death would affect Dana, Sarah, or Rufus? - Kathryn
Was Carrie jealous of how close Dana and Alice were- Nikita?
Why did carrie feel the need to take up Sarah's role? and did she not run away because the pain it would cause sarah?-nalanie
Did Carrie ever feel that she was being discriminated by others because she couldn't talk. Ex. Kevin assumed she was dumb because she didn't talk. -Chloe
Does Carrie feel burdened with the fact that Sarah is overprotective of her because of her being the only child left? - Jimin
How has Nigel's ability to understand Carrie well affected her? Has their compatibility for communication helped her in any way? - Kathryn
Did Kevin ever beat Rufus? -Andy
Why didn't Kevin ever kill Tom? -Andy
What happened to Kevin over the 5 years he spent in the 1800s that made him turn so cold? - Lucy
How did Kevin get his scar? - Lucy
What kinds of people did Kevin meet during his time in the 1800s? - Lucy
Did Kevin resent Dana when he first got stuck in the 1800s? - Lucy
Did Kevin start to lose hope that he would be able to go home? - Lucy
If so, when did he start to lose hope? - Lucy
Did Kevin stop believing that Dana would come back? (Ruby)
Did Kevin try to help the pregnant woman who was being beat?- Nikita
Did Kevin cheat on Dana in the 5 years he was stuck in the past?- Nikita
Did Kevin ever stop loving Dana when he was in the 1800's? -Chloe
When did Kevin decide to start to adjust to life in the 1800s, and what made him do so? - Lucy
How did Kevin cope with the thought of having to stay in the 1800s forever? - Kathryn
How did Kevin treat slaves towards the end of his 5 years spent in the 1800's? -Alex K
was kevin ever mad at dana or never want to see her again because she left him in the 1800s with no way of ever getting home? - ashlynne
What does Kevin think of slaves and slaveowners after spending 5 years living in the 1800s? - Lucy
Does Kevin ever adjust back to life in the 1970s? - Lucy
How long does it take for Kevin to become accustomed to the new technology and appliances in his apartment? How does he deal with the shock of the sudden change? - Lucy
How does Kevin help slaves escape during the 1900s? -Alex
How has his stay in the 1800s affect his relationships in the 1970s? -Simon L.
Bella: What happened when Kevin was gone for 5 years?
How did Kevin's opinion on people change due to him being stuck in the past? -SImon L.
Does his opinion of Dana change because of this? -Simon L.
What did Kevin see during his time in the past that made him so violent? -Simon L
Does Kevin have any racist thoughts after being in the 1800s for so long? Danny
How bad was the plantation that Isaac was on? -Alex K
Did Issac ever regret beating up Rufus because he was then separated from his wife? -Chloe
Is Issac still alive at the end of the book? Danny
did isaac regret trying to run away with alice when he had gotten caught or did he feel like he at least tried? - ashlynne
Was Isaac able to move on from Alice and have a different family on the plantation he was moved to or no? Sophia
What led him to eventually burn down the plantation when he knew the consequences? -Macey
When did Nigel stop viewing Rufus as a friend and started to resent him? Jimin
Did Nigel ever tell anyone that he saw Dana kill Rufus?- Nikita
Was Nigel KIlled for burning down the house?
Did Nigel ever regret setting the fire? -Alex K
Did anyone ever find out if Nigel was the one who set the fire?-Alex K
Where does Nigel go after he burns the plantation? Carrie was also not on the sold list so does she go with him?
did anyone ever know nigel was the one who burned down the house or did anyone ever find out what really happened to rufus and what nigel saw? - ashlynne