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Root Issue Tree Nov 2021
How do we support a paradigm shift (i.e. a in…
Root Issue Tree Nov 2021
How do we support a paradigm shift (i.e. a in shift in being, culture and systems) to steer humanity and the planet into a flourishing future?
[Where are we in the process of transition, what do we think will facilitate transition and what do we hypothesize is most useful (for us) to prioritize at this point?]
Why do we need a new paradigm/culture/worldview and what does it look like? (What is the transition from and to why is a transition needed?)
Why now?
What new onto-socio-techno opportunities are there? (e.g. 2nd renaissance of eastern wisdom meets western science, info economy etc)
What would the new paradigm look like? (aka what is the transition to (roughly?)? [What is the elephant]
What are key background ideas re paradigms? (i.e. on individual and collective evolution/development? (Aka what is our ontological and ontogenetic evidence base in theory and empirics for individual and collectives?)