Preamble • Energy and Atmosphere are linked in two ways.
– First, fossil-fuel energy contributes directly to air pollution and climate change.
– Second, atmospheric winds and solar radiation are major sources of renewable energy.
• Because atmospheric problems can be mitigated best by increasing the efficiency with which energy is used, optimizing the use of natural energy resources, and understanding the effects of energy technologies on the atmosphere, the two areas, Energy and Atmosphere, are naturally coupled together.
Wind Energy Primer • Many wind proponents consider New Zealand to be the Saudi Arabia of wind, with a quality and size of resource to make the rest of the world envious. • *There is enough wind energy potential in New Zealand to provide in order of 100,000 gigawatt hours per year – three times the current total electricity generation of 36,560 GWh per year.
Where is electricity used? • The image below reveals that the electric-using population is concentrated in a few world areas and is mostly along the coasts
Global Wind Atlas - web-based application developed to help policymakers, planners, and investors identify high-wind areas for wind power generation virtually anywhere in the world, and then perform preliminary calculations.
Variation in Wind Speed
• Spatial(Geographic location)
– Global location
– Terrain
– Elevation
• Temporal(time)
– Inter-decadal (will not cover)
– Inter-annual (will not cover) – Seasonal
– Daily