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Title : Is there solid justification for regarding knowledge in the…
Title : Is there solid justification for regarding knowledge in the natural sciences more highly than knowledge in another area of knowledge? Discuss with reference to the natural sciences and one other area of knowledge.
Key terms :
Justification : the action of showing something to be right or reasonable.
Solid : Concrete , firm and stable
Natural Sciences - knowledge in natural sciences ( from theories , laws to experiments)
Highly : superior to , more significant / important
Arts - knowledge and justification in arts , from judgement in arts, aesthetic value etc. and their solid justification.
Knowledge : a true justified belief (facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.)
Concepts :Justification , explanation, evidence , Truth , Bias , Objectivity , Perspective , Responsibility, Interpretation,
TOK Issues: Reliability, accuracy, doubts, objectivity, Evidence, Judgement of art, sources.
Ethical consideration, power, and superiority, relativity, assumptions, perspective, interpretation.
Natural Science
human sciences
Knowledge framework :
Perspective: the way solid justification is interpreted is different for different Aoks.
The types of evidence differ in different aoks and are justified according to their beliefs. The different perspectives associated depend on what is considered as evidence or explanation in a specific aok. for eg: in natural sciences, there are scientific methods that cannot be influenced by your beliefs or values whereas, in arts, or history, evidence is based on more relative factors like your observations, storytelling, emotions. The reliability/accuracy in their methods of gathering solid justification puts natural sciences a bit superior to other aoks though its also important to consider that there are situations and theories beyond the explanation of sciences which with emotions, culture, and judgment can be explained with justification in lets say human sciences or arts.
Ethical considerations: Its important to also see that for different aoks , since their communication, knowledge and evidence is unique in their own ways and accepted by their communities of knowers. it raises the issue of if its ethical to consider one aok as being superior to other even when people who have specific access to natural sciences, choose to ignore it , thus is it really superior.
Natural sciences are regarded higher compared to other aoks due to its neutraility, scientific methods and application in the physical world
Natural sciences do have solid justification to an extent that it gives explanation to most phenomenon's in the world which other aoks like arts or history cannot thus making it more reliable.
Counter argument: With time , even solid justifcation of aspects in sciences changes as new discoveries , replace those old ones thus its power and superiority in the society is questionable. for eg: people in the past belived that the earth was flat to an extent that it became a universal truth in that generation until later on , experiments and evidence was presented to inform that the earth is flat.
Real Life examples for argument: Events related to Health (paticularly COVID-19) . the virus though it has his doubts , the scientists have shown solid justification through experiments and scientific methods to show its existence which other aoks like mathematics or art cant.
Real Life Examples for Counter argument: A basquiat sold for $110.5 dollars becuase of the buyer's artistic judgement though that doesnt provide any solid justification for its worth.
Assumptions: Since more factual information is given in an aok its regarded higher despite of issues like corruption and power/schemes by government which can affect the relability of natural sciences.
Assumption : since natural sciences use empirical language , a certain bias can make it more reliable due to its formality making people have blind faith.
Two concepts to specifically consider: Value and Responsibility.
Peut-on justifier de manière convaincante le fait d’accorder plus d’importance aux
connaissances en sciences naturelles qu’aux connaissances dans un autre domaine de la connaissance ? Discutez cette question en faisant référence aux sciences naturelles et à un autre domaine de la connaissance.
Justifier: faire reconnaitres les connaissances comme legitimes et vraies par des evidences et des preuves
Convaincante: une connaissance qui s'avere eloquante et persuasif
importance: degre de valeur accorder aux connaissances
accorder plus d'importance : decider de donner une plus grande valeur a une connaissance par rapoort a une autre
connaissance: une croyance vraie justifie
Domaines de connaissances
sciences humaines
Arts : Les sciences naturelles est un domaine de connaissance basee sur des preuves et ne soulevent pas des problemes telles que l’objectivite alors que le domaines des arts se base lui sur des interpretations qui differer de personn en personne. A partir de ca on peut donc assumer qu’il serai plus evident d’accorder plus de valeur aux sciences naturelles qu’aux arts. Par exemple le vaccine contre l'ebola a d'abord etait tester sur des animaux et quand il y'a eu assez de preuves le vaccin a commencer a etre injecter a des humains. Celui la dit le fait que ca a etait tester que sur des animaux avant d'etre approuver on peut souligner des problemes d'incertitudes ;" pouvons nous tere sure que ce qui a marcher sur des animaux marche aussi sur des humains"
Concepts: preuve, certitude, vérité, interprétation, pouvoir, justification, explication, objectivité,
perspective, culture, valeurs et responsabilité.
Cadre conceptuel de TdC:portée,
perspectives, méthodes et outils, et éthique.