The difference between rioting and protesting is the one is more peaceful than the other and the other one is harmful. For example what I found off the internet is that a protest in the sense relevant here is “a usually organized public demonstration of disapproval” while rioting is “a disturbance of the peace created by an assemblage of usually three or more people acting with a common purpose and in a violent” They are similar in a way but yet still different. To answer the second question ,Yes; I do believe that rioting can help spread a message out , yet again rioting grows in popularity due to social media, and in general anywhere where you could see what is going on around your community or in other communities. But rioting spreads your message out but not in a good way, because it would tend to end in destruction and possibly death at best, that's how it spreads. For example what happened in 2020 with George Floyed, a cop killed him while George was pleading for his life , due to the fact he couldn’t get any oxygen to breathe, which ended in him unfortunately dying. This spread across America, and possibly other nations around the world due to social media , and then that's when disaster struck. Many people were rioting and looting, and it ended in death and a lot of destruction / property damage. So yes Rioting does spread your message but in a negative way.