counseling: hormonal contraceptives do not protect against HIV/other STDs; take drug at approx same time each day; if spotting occurs and no missed doses, continue to take tablets even if spotting continues; report immediately if new severe or persistent HA; blurred or loss of vision; SOB; severe leg, chest, or abdominal pain; or any abnormal vaginal bleeding occur; if miss 1 dose, take ASAP and take next tablet at correct time even if take 2 tablets on the same day or at the same time; if miss 2 doses in wk 1 or 2, take 2 tabs on day remember and 2 tabs the next day; if miss 2 doses in wk 3 or miss 3 or more active tablets, then (if start on day 1) start on new pack on same day or (if start on Sunday), take 1 tablet daily until Sunday then start new pack that day; use alt form of birth contraception for the next 7 days after miss 2 or more doses in weeks 1, 2, or 3