The French Revolution

was a period of violent political and social change

the abolition of the absolute monarchy

the end of the estates system of the Ancien Régime

began in 1789

he first European bourgeois revolution


related factors

The economic crisis

The social crisis

The influence of the Enlightenment

The political crisis

Louis XVI governed France as an absolute monarch

French intellectuals and the bourgeoisie supported Enlightenment ideas

demanded that all French subjects be free and equal before the law

French monarchy was heavily in debt

court's excessive spending

France's participation in military conflicts

the clergy and the nobility were able to maintain their income

Poor harvests after 1770

an increase in the price of grain

the Third Estate suffered from rising taxes

the privileged estates should pay tax

suggested by Louis XVI's ministers

nobility and clergy refused

the king call the Estates General


The spread of Enlightenment ideas

The cahiers de doléances

peasants wanted to abolish tithes and end feudal privileges

clergy and nobility were opposed to losing their privilege

enlightened bourgeoisie wanted to end absolute monarchy


Unequal representation





The Constituent Assembly

The National Assembly

The Third Estate asked for a new voting system

the king refused

representatives would vote individually

they met at a tennis court nearby

not leave it until France had a constitution.

the king agreed to the Third Estate's demands

new Constituent Assembly was formed

to write a constitution

troops were sent to Versailles

the monarchy was no longer absolute

a riot in Paris on 14 July 1789

people attacked the Bastille

revolt in the countryside

the Grande Peur

legal reforms

abolished feudal privileges


equality in the payment of taxes



In 1790

Civil Constitution of the Clergy

discontent the clergy and to the emigration of many nobles

Louis XVI

his actions caused an increase in popular opposition

asked Austria for support

In 1791 the assembly approved the constitution


limited male suffrage

a constitutional monarchy

powers of the monarch limited by the constitution

only men with a certain amount of property could vote

the separation of powers

monarch had executive power

assembly had legislative power

courts had judicial power


The Legislative Assembly

2 main political groups

The Convention

The Directory and the Consulate



wealthy bourgeoisie

limited suffrage

supported the constitutional monarchy

dominated the Legislative Assembly

petite bourgeoisie

establish a republic

introduce universal manhood suffrage

abolish the monarchy

France's defeats

attacked the Tuileries Palace

August 1792 the people of Paris

Louis XVI was imprisoned

France became a republic

most radical phase

new assembly

In 1793 agreed to execute Louis XVI

Jacobins took control of the government

a dictatorship

the Terror

led by Robespierre

supported by the sans-culottes.

popular revolutionary army

widespread repression of counterrevolutionaries

Constitution of 1793

Law of Maximum

new constitution

new form of government


re-established limited male suffrage

5 menbers

army increased

General Napoleon Bonaparte

In 1799 organised a military coup

new form of government called the Consulate

aimed to restore peace

In 1802, Napoleon was named First Consul for Life

introduced reforms to end France's political and economic instability.

In 1804

Napoleon had absolute power

the French Revolution had ended

