Essay to do list
Revise social efficency model
Rewatch Social efficency lecture - done
Reread schiro sections on social efficency - done
Revise impact of social efficency model on CfE
Read building the curriculum series - done
Highlight any examples of social efficency ideology - done
Also highlight any sections on learner centred ideology - done
For example, focus on scottish economy, skills for life and work, four capacities etc - done
Revise basic Essay techniques
Reread all old essays
Review all feedback - done
Identify common problems
Compare grades on old essays
Reread script 3 - done
Revise referencing guidelines (consider using authors names within the text)
Create a basic reference list as you go along
Actually writing essay
Write intro
Use bullet points to address what you want to say ie define an ideology, mention how they have a huge impact on schools past and present etc
Remember to address social and cultural influences ie the economy, mass education, the depression, pressure from factories/industries, how this all affected the government
Write paragraphs on definition of the social efficency model
Make sure to mention purposes, aims, the role of the child, role of the teacher, knowledge that is valued and the processes of learning and teaching (how pupils learn best)
Also make sure to address critiques of the social efficency model as well
Write paragraphs on the extent to which the social efficency model has shaped the CfE
Refer to building the curriculum documents in depth
Possibly mention how it has been shaped by other ideologies
Write conclusion
Look at conclusions from other scripts
Refer back to introduction
Tie it all together
Look at Watson 2010 - done