energy has many different uses:
household uses: hot water systems, heat for cooking, heating systems, for means of transport...
industrial uses: : the operating of factories and companies, construction, agriculture...
Energy sources are natural resources from which we obtain different forms of energy that can be transformed for a specific use
we can classify energy sources in several ways:
by origin, by availability in the nature and capacity for regeneration, by use in each country and by environmental impact
electricity is the most widely used from energy in industrialised societies for two reasons
it can be easily transformed
it can be transported long distances
electric power plants are facilities where primary or secondary energy is transformed into electricity, electrical power plants use an external source of energy to produce electricity, to do this, they rely on a turbine-alternator system
transport and distribution of electrical energy
Electncity cannot be stored; therefore, it must be transported to consumption centres
electric power plants can be conventional electric power plants or non coventional electric power plants
conventional electric powerplants:
non conventional electric power plants
fossil fuel thermal power plants, At this type of power plant, water is heated in a boiler by the heat generated from the combustion of a fossil fuel, usually natural gas or coal
hydroelectric power plants, this type of power plant uses the potential energy provided by the height of the stored water in a dam, converting it into cinetic energy
nuclear power plants This type of plant includes a nuclear fission reactor that produces the pressurised steam needed to move the turbine rotor
geothermal power plants,These plants use the heat found at deep levels in the earth. This heat may reach the surface in the form of steam, gases or hot water
biomass thermal power plants, biomass consists of all organic compounds that are produced through natural processes
solar power plants, these plants use the energy from the sun, there are two main types of installations: photo-thermal and photovoltaic power plants
ocean power plants, these power plants use the energy from the sea and oceans, the concept is for use three types of energy from the sea: mechanical energy from the tides, from the waves and energy from the oceans thernal gradient
wind power plants and wind farms, these power plants use the kinetic energy of the wind to move the blades of a rotor at the top of a tower, this is referred to as the wind turbine
enviormental impact, the building and operating of an electrical power plant results in an ecological change in that region, this is due both to the construction of necesary infrastructure and the waste that this activity generates.