Teaching English Through Literature

The use of literature as a technique for teaching both basic language skills (i.e reading, writing, listening and speaking) and language areas (i.e. vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation)

Why use it?

  1. Valuable Authentic Materia

in a classroom context, learners are exposed to actual language samples of real life /
real life like settings.

  1. Cultural Enrichment

For many language learners, the ideal way to increase their understanding of verbal / nonverbal aspects of communication in the country within which that language is spoken - a visit or an extended stay - is just not probable.

  1. Language Enrichment

Literature provides learners with a wide range of individual lexical or syntactic items.

  1. Personal Involvement

.Once the student reads a literary text, he begins to inhabit
the text. He is drawn into the text. Understanding the meanings of lexical items or phrasesbecomes less significant than pursuing the development of the story.

. Literature and The Teaching of Language Skills

Literature plays an important role in teaching four basic language skills like reading,
writing, listening and speaking.

Literature and Reading

In reading lesson, discussion begins at the literal level with
direct questions of fact regarding setting, characters, and plot which can be answered by
specific reference to the text.

Literature and Writing

. Literature as a model occurs when student writing becomes closely similar to the original work or clearly imitates its content, theme, organization, and /or style.

Literature, Speaking, and Listening

Oral reading, dramatization, improvisation, role-playing, pandomiming,
reenactment, discussion, and group activities may center on a work of literature.

Oral Reading

Language teachers can make listening comprehension and pronunciation interesting, motivating and contextualized at the upper levels, playing a recording or video of a literary
work, or reading literature aloud themselves.


Though drama in the classroom can assume many forms, there are three main
types, which are dramatization, role-playing, improvization.

Group Activities

When teaching English through literature, some of the group activities used in language classroom are general class discussion, small-group work, paneldiscussions, and debates.

Benefits of Different Genres of Literature to Language

There are at least two learning benefits that can be
derived from studying poetry

  1. The appreciation of the writer’s composition process, which students gain by
    studying poems by components

1.Developing sensitivity for words and discoveries that may later grow into a deeper
interest and greater analytical ability

Benefits of Using Short Stories to Language Teaching

Short fiction is a supreme resource for observing not only language but life itself. In short fiction, characters act out all the real and symbolic acts people carry out in daily lives,and do so in a variety of registers and tones.


Makes the students’ reading task easier due to being simple and short when
compared with the other literary genres

enlarges the advanced level readers’ worldviews about different cultures and
different groups of people.

motivates learners to read due to being an authentic material,

Benefits of Using Drama to Language Teaching

It is
through the use of drama that learners become familiar with grammatical structures in contexts and also learn about how to use the language to express, control and inform.


stimulates the imagination and promotes creative thinking,

develops critical thinking skills,

promotes language development,