What incentives & mechanisms do we need to ensure sufficient environment-related data is produced, curated and available (by and to a broad range of stakeholders) to support environmental decisions (made by policy-makers and investors in particular)?

What mechanisms are there and what are their key features?

What mechanisms are there?

How do they work (theoretically)?

Why is the ecosystem not working (at well as we would like)? Why does (what) data flow (or not) in that ecosystem to generate value? (Why do people "share" or not share data?)

Why is a given flow blocked? (why are people not creating/sharing data as much as we want?)

What are the key relevant features of incentive mechanisms?

Under what conditions do they work/not-work?

How does this differ across actors?

How does this differ across types of ecosystems?

What evidence is there that an ecosystem is not working? (i.e. visible "value left on the table", inability to carry out tasks etc)

What do(es) the data ecosystem(s) look like?

What are their incentives? (what is the cost/benefit)

What environmental decision(s) / actions / questions (are a focus of this ecosystem)?

What typologies of ecosystems are there? (What are the key dimensions?) (e.g. are producers/consumers separated or the same? is public actors, private actors or a mix in different roles? Is it regulated or a free for all?)

What data?

What roles are there? (e.g. producer, curator/supplier, user)?

Who has those roles? (who are the core stakeholders involved?)

How do (sub) ecosystems interlink?

What do data flows (look like)? (i.e. how are the roles connected actually or potentially)

How (esp using what mechanisms/structures) can we improve data flow in ecosystem X to increase value? (aka what is the recommender algorithm for mechanisms for ecosystems?

What are the key features of ecosystems?

What are real world examples?

What are the key features of mechanisms?

How can we match these?

What is the "algorithm" (or principles (more reaslistically))?

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