[Oren+Rufus SCQH] How do we create an environment such that within 20 years 10% of young adults [18-25] experience deep and sustained [ontological] development within a reasonable period of time [4-8 months] and use no more than $10k per person?

How does this scale from pilots to regional and national scale?

What is the underlying (conceptual) theory of change?

What is the definition of "sustained" (vs unsustained)?

How do we have sustained development?

How do we pilot it?

What does this program look like?

How do you align stakeholders e.g. politics, education etc around this?

How do we recruit people?

What existing programs are there (we could learn from)? (that incorporate some developmental aspects whether explicitly or implicitly)?

What kind of experiences / practices support development at what stages?

What does core "experience" (retreat) look like?

What is the surrounding structure?

What is the community embeddedness?

What is our initial "3/5y plan"?

How much would it cost to train 10% of young adults in this way?

How do you get community buy-in to something like this?

How do we assess the effectiveness of the program?

What is (ontological) development?

Who could fund this?

How much would this cost?

Is this program generic or country/locale specific?

How strict and supportive are we? e.g. do we allow cell phones? What about sex? ... (how do we deal culture of young adults that infringe on developmental activities)

What skills trainings do we do?

What follow up value do we offer in terms of job opportunity etc?

Why is ontological development so crucial [to these X core issues we face]? (How do you demonstrate the importance/validity of the claims we are making about a core societal theory of change?)

How do you manage deeply entrenched "worldview" opposition? (2 distinct examples: your idea of development is oppressive psycho/intellectual colonialism? Or, we just need more tech and growth ... Or we just need to focus on spirituality ...)

What resources do we have?

What options are there?