At the age of 11 Sharon began abusing various substances, including alcohol, which she says help her to 'escape'. Now 15, she is rarely in school and has been in frequent contact with the youth justice system for a variety of offences including shoplifting (she was caught with Ellie's elder sister, Laura, stealing makeup) and several cases of assault. The neighbourhood has long had high levels of crime, and police and social services are concerned that Sharon is learning the 'tricks of the trade' from her friend's family.
Biological explanations
Given her parents' deviant behaviour, there may be a genetically inherited element in Sharon's own offending, aggression and substance abuse.
Biochemical factors such as alcohol could also play a part, since it is known to trigger aggression.
Subcultural theory
Sharon's criminality could be explained using Cloward and Ohlin's theory that failure to achieve mainstream goals because of blocked opportunities may mean she is recruited into a criminal subculture where she can acquire criminal skills.