What has the global pandemic really done to the I.T industry?

Everything in the coding industry can be done online

Interviewing has moved online as well this helps reduce the possible spreading of covid.

Better for companies as they don't need facilities and don't have to spend much on utilities.

The coding industry allows for work from home.

Affects the work habits and well being of employees

May create bad habits or bad work habits.

Most of the work is done online so reduces human interaction.

Being at home too long may make it harder when coming out of a pandemic.

Being at home can be distracting along with being placed unmonitored on a device.

May affect the workers well being and productivity while working.

Makes communication harder between employers and employees

Delayed responses in-between employers and employees.

Miss communication could lead to errors in the work.

May make meetings harder while being at home with multiple things to worry about family and what's going on in the meeting.

Some people communicate better face to face.

Shortage in computer chips

Employers will have to take workers well being into consideration to support them through the pandemic.

Due to the pandemic, the biggest supplier of computer chips has slowly halted its manufacturing.

Harder to test new hardware if new hardware isn't being produced.

If computer hardware has issues it'll be harder to replace those pieces of hardware.

May take a long time before computer chips are more widely available to the market.